6 Essential Rules For SEO Copywriting In 2020


SEO copywriting is the process of creating texts that are optimized for the requirements of search engines. Not all the requirements are related to text, for example, search engines also take into account: the age of the domain, the number of incoming links, user behavior on the site, and a lot of other factors. However, in this article, we will only talk about texts.

In SEO-copywriting everyone puts effort to stay on the top. The flexibility to adapt definitely helps the writers but there are some SEO-writing rules that will never change.

Golden Rules For SEO-Copywriting

The competition to reach the top is becoming tougher day by day. However there are some golden SEO-copywriting rules that will help you beat others in 2020. 

1. Selection Of Keywords

The first and foremost rule is to select the most searched keywords. For this, you will have to monitor the keyword intent of your target audience. They may be looking for something navigational, informational, or commercial. After observing the pattern of the search, use those keywords in your content.

For example, if they are looking for informational content on professional writers, you can write a detailed article on the best British essay writing services UK. The purpose is to provide answers to the audience’s questions.

2. Keywords in Titles And Meta Tags

As most of us know, it is desirable to write the focus keyword in the title and description. You can also use the synonyms in the description to avoid over-usage of the main keyword.

Some authors come up with really good, catchy, and bright titles for their articles but don’t add the keywords. Alas, these articles are less likely to be reach the top. The same goes for the keywords in the URL – the address of the page.

3. Keeping The Content Unique

When it comes to uniqueness, which is difficult to achieve in some topics is a key to keep your article different from others. According to the modern SEO – the text should be focused primarily on people, and then on search engines. So the priority is readability and ease of presentation.

4. Focus On First Paragraph

The implication is that the first paragraph should give a good kick to the reader to fly through the entire text. If your article is about the assignment writing services UK, then give it a unique start that compels a reader to go through the whole article.

There is a well-known trick on how to make the first paragraph better. To do this, start writing the text without thinking too much about the introduction. And when you’re done, go back and rewrite the first paragraph.

Perhaps a masterpiece will not be prepared, but it will definitely help to make it better.

5. Text Design

Yes, the text should look good. Everyone knows that an article should be structured and divided into blocks using subheadings. However, there is another important point that many copywriters overlook that is the paragraph size.

Text looks very bad with a paragraph of two lines and a paragraph of eight lines next to it. Exceptions are possible, but it is better to stick to the standard length of 2-6 lines (some indicate 3-5 lines).

6. Avoid Spelling Mistakes

For the most part, the mistakes we see in SEO writing are due to the fact that some copywriters don’t proofread the text. As a result, there are some grammatical and spelling mistakes. This ruins the quality of the whole content.

Mistakes To Avoid In SEO-Copywriting

  • Keywords In Direct Occurrence: Do not abuse keywords in direct occurrence. 
  • High Keyword Density: A large number of key queries in the text are a negative signal for the search engine. 
  • Long Text: Avoid writing long text and divide it into paragraphs.
  • Writing For Search Engine: Don’t write the text not only for the search engine which does not make any sense.
  • Using Complex Language: Avoid using difficult words that a reader won’t understand. Make sure you use the audience’s language in the content.


For getting your article on top in the search engine it should follow the above rules. However, the content should not only be SEO-optimized but also be easy to read, understandable, and engaging for the readers. This is the only way to retain position in the search engine because the search engine monitors the response of people to your content. If people don’t find it useful the search engine removes such content from the top.