12 common summer skins commonly found in children


On sunny days and starry nights, you can play, splash and explore, leaving your kids with more than just warm summer memories. Refreshing weather can also lead to itchy and inflamed skin. Check out the list of American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to find out how to prevent, identify, and soothe these common summer skin rashes.

1. Heat rash

Heat rash (also known as thorny fever or heat rash) is most common in babies and toddlers when the pores of the sweat glands are blocked and sweat cannot escape. Increase. The rash looks like a small pink or red ridge or blistering patch under the clothes, or where the Skin Allergy Types is fragile (neck, elbows, flanks, thighs), but heat rash occurs in other covered areas. There is likely to be.

 What parents can do:

Keep your kids cool. Dress your child in clothes that keep your skin cool and dry. If possible, use fans and air conditioners to avoid overheating. Beware of hotspots. Wash areas of the skin that remain wet with sweat or urine, or drool with cold water. Tap them to dry. Please expose your Skin Allergy Types. Leave the area open to the atmosphere without wearing clothing. Do not apply skin ointment.

2. Poisonous ivy and other plant rashes

 Many children have a burning sensation when their skin touches a sticky oily plant called urushiol (poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, etc.). Causes a rash with. Skin Allergy Types reactions cause redness, swelling and blisters. Other plants such as wild parsnips, giant hogweeds, and citrus fruits contain chemicals that make the skin sensitive to sunlight and cause a rash of plant photo dermatitis.

What parents can do:

Prevents exposure. Tell your child what these plants look like and how to avoid them. Both poison ivy and poison oak have shiny green leaves that grow on three stems, so you might rhyme “three leaves, leave them alone”. Rhus shrubs have stems containing 7 to 13 leaves arranged in pairs, and wild parsnips and giant hogweeds have clusters of yellow and white flowers on small flat tops.

Wash and trim. If your child comes in contact with these plants, wash all clothes and shoes with soap and water. Also, wash exposed Skin Allergy Types areas with soap and water for at least 10 minutes after contact with plants or oils. Keep your child’s fingernails in order to prevent scratches and further damage to the skin. This also prevents the rash from spreading if there is still a small amount of oil under the fingernails.

Soothing ointment. If you have a mild rash, apply calamine lotion to reduce itching. Avoid ointments containing anesthetics and antihistamines. It can cause an allergic reaction. Another good option to reduce skin irritation is 1% hydrocortisone cream.

Talk to your pediatrician. Mild cases can be treated at home, but if the child is particularly uncomfortable, the rash is severe and / or does not go away, if the rash is on the child’s face or crotch, or if signs are noticed, pediatrician Talk to your doctor Infectious diseases (ie, fever, redness, swelling beyond poisonous vine or oak lesions).

 Eczema Atopic dermatitis (also known as atopic dermatitis or AD) causes spots of dry, scaly red skin and tends to burn in cold weather when there is little water in the air. It is a chronic symptom that is common in children. However, dryness caused by air conditioning and pressurized planes during summer travel can also cause problems. Overheating, sweating and chlorine in the swimming pool can also cause eczema.

What parents can do:

Moisturize. Apply unscented cream or ointment at least once a day, or more often if necessary. After bathing or swimming, gently stroke your child’s skin with a towel and then apply a moisturizer to the damp skin. Dress wisely. If possible, choose clothing made of soft, breathable fabrics such as cotton. Wash your clothes with a detergent that does not contain irritants such as perfumes or dyes.

Please do not scratch. Keep your child’s nails short and smooth and be careful not to scratch them. Scratches can exacerbate the rash and lead to infections. Talk to your pediatrician. Ask your child’s pediatrician if allergies that can be caused by summer-blooming trees and plants can be the cause of eczema. Your child’s pediatrician may recommend medications to help your child feel better and control the symptoms of eczema.

4. Insect bites and stings

Rocky Mountain spotted fever-Image- Insects such as bees, bees, mosquitoes, ants, and mites can cause itching and mild discomfort where they sting their skin. For some children, insect bites and stings can cause a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. This includes life-threatening symptoms such as rashes, hives, and swelling of the airways. (It is important to have an emergency medical plan for anaphylaxis for children who are known to be allergic to insect bites and stings).