5 Christmas Drink Recipes Your Guests Will Love


Christmas is the festival of happiness, mouth-watering delicacies, and never-ending music. It emerges with the right amount of joy and the much-needed break from the mundane routine. Also, you get to enjoy the exquisite dinner parties and spend quality time with your loved ones. In case you wish to throw a party, you can always prepare the cocktail recipes on your own. From the citrusy essence of margarita to the earthy tasting notes of rum punch, you must try them all. All you need to do is research the extravagant drink recipes.

Here are the top Christmas drinks that you must include in your dinner menu.

1. Tom & Jerry 

Here’s the cocktail filled with creamy and earthy indulgence that must be on your Christmas drink list. The warm and sweet drink is likely to soothe your taste buds and allure your hunger pangs. Also, you can prepare the drink using basic alcoholic drinks and ingredients. Make sure to get your hands on the essentials like cognac, rum, milk, and cream. You might also need eggs, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg to enhance the taste. In the end, put a few drops of vanilla extract to let the fruity aroma linger on your tongue.

How To Prepare?

  • Take some egg whites and mix some cream into it. Further, whip the entire mixture until it achieves the right consistency.
  • Add some butter and sugar into the bowl. Then, add some cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, and rum into the batter. 
  • Refrigerate the mixture and preheat your cocktail glass. Add some batter into the heated glass and fill it with rum. 
  • In the end, fill the glass up to the brim with milk and water. Serve the drink hot with some gingerbread cookies.

2. Christmas Eggnog 

No Christmas dinner is complete without a glass of eggnog and some mouth-watering snacks to compliment the drink. It boasts the creamy consistency coupled up with the earthy notes of cognac. On top of this, you enjoy the crunchy essence of nutmeg and the nutritional value of milk. Fetch the top-notch ingredients like eggs, sugar, and cognac to prepare the drink recipe. Along with this, you might need other essentials like dark rum, Malbec, and nutmeg to boost the tasting notes.

How To Prepare?

  • Take some egg yolks and add sugar into the bowl. Mix the ingredients well until the sugar dissolves completely.
  • Add the cognac and stir it well. Further, fill the glass with some rum and add cream to it. 
  • In the end, fill the glass with some milk and garnish the drink with nutmeg to increase the tasting notes. 

3. Irish Coffee 

Another Christmas special is the caffeinated drink that satiates the taste buds of every coffee connoisseur. Irish coffee is a savory drink that boasts the flavor of cream and whiskey. Along with this, you get to enjoy the tasting notes of both alcohols coupled up with the bitter essence of coffee. Grab the ingredients like Irish whiskey, coffee, sugar, and cream. Also, you can add some other ingredients like vanilla essence to enhance the aroma.

How To Prepare? 

  • Take your cocktail glass and heat it for some time. Further, pour the essentials like whiskey, coffee, and sugar into the glass.
  • Sit the mixture for some time and add some cream to improve the consistency. You can also use a blender to achieve the perfect creamy texture.

4. Hot Milk Punch

If you’re a fan of the hot milk varieties, it’s about time that you try out the alcoholic version of the drink. You must allure your guests with the savory yet indulgent drink on a cold Christmas night. Also, it gratifies the sweet tooth within and transforms the dinner night into an enchanting one. However, you must grab the ingredients like nutmeg, brandy, and dark rum. You might also need the essentials like milk and garnishing items to elevate the aroma.

How To Prepare?

  • Take a mixing tin and add some ingredients like rum, brandy, and sugar to it. Further, stir the mixture for some time till the consistency becomes thick. 
  • Pour the entire mixture into a glass and garnish the mixture with nutmeg powder. Make sure to pair the drink with some snacks to compliment it. 

5. Pink G&T

Here’s another drink to include in your Christmas drink list to get the party mode on. You must try out the cranberry-infused drink on Christmas night. Get your hands on the ingredients like cardamom, vanilla, and berries. Further, you might also toss in some spruce twigs to boost the flavor without any hassles.

How To Prepare?

  • Take a highball glass and fill it with ice cubes. Further, add some gin into the glass to begin the preparation. 
  • Fill the aromatic gin into the glass and stir for some time. Then, garnish the drink with lemon peel to enhance the flavor in no time.

Final Verdict

Christmas is yet another day to cherish your relationships and enjoy the festive vibes together. On Christmas night, you need the right cocktails and snack varieties that compliment the tasting notes. Some drinks that you might consider for the grand dinner night are Eggnog, Pink G&T, and Hot Milk Punch. Further, you can also try out the other varieties like Irish coffee to gratify the coffee lover within. Make sure to add the garnishing touch with several items like lemon peel, orange slices, and cranberries. Transform the night into a delightful one with delicious snacks and drink varieties to make astounding memories.