5 EASY Hand Stitches To Learn For Perfect Sewing

Hand Stitches
Hand Stitches

A home sewist needs to know that couture sewing has its base in hand sewing. There are a couple of hand stitches that you should definitely know to finish your stitching knowledge.

First step for handy stitching

  • Knot at the top of the thread, catching the 2 ends of the threads.
  • Choose a thread that’s almost an equivalent color as your fabric ( Unless you would like that contrast effect). If you probably did not find the precise colored thread, choose a darker colored thread instead of a lighter one. The lighter color will stand out and appear very conspicuous.
  • Thread the needle with only enough length thread like about 30″ approximately. Quite that and you’ll end up in thread tangles.

How to sew by hand

Choose the acceptable hand sewing needle for your embroidery project, consistent with the material you’re sewing on. Obviously, finer fabrics involve fine needles and Choose thick needles for thick heavy fabrics. But even then, smaller is best to stitch with, so find the littlest of the most important.

Do not, under any circumstance, pull the thread and, therefore, the fabric too tight while sewing. Good tension is important for permanently looking stitches.

Threading a needle to stitch by hand– Threading a needle may be despair just for those who don’t have a needle threader. 

If you can, pull the thread from the material itself for stitching these hand stitches. This may perfectly match the material and make the hand stitches invisible.

How to knot thread beforehand stitching

Before you begin the hand stitching, you would like to anchor the thread on the material. For that, a knot is required.

Another way is to slide the needle into the material to make a loop, then slip the needle through the loop. Pull the loop tight, and repeat to form a second knot to strongly anchor the thread.

You can make a hoop on my forefinger with the top of the thread and twist it with my thumb, then pull. A knot is magically formed at the top of the thread. After running the needle through the material once, pull the needle through the knot to tighten the thread.

Vertical hem stitch or Couch stitch

This stitch may be an excellent choice to sew a hem because it is nearly invisible from the surface.

A tailor’s tack stitch is extremely handy to understand when marking patterns accurately.

Only tiny dots where you catch the 2 threads will be seen within the garment’s face.

Back Stitch

This makes a really strong hand stitch. 

Pull the needle through the material, Take a stitch downwards, then proceed an equivalent distance beyond the primary stitch to bring the needle up again. Bring the needle right down to the beginning of the primary stitch. Continue within the same vein to urge an extended line of strong stitches.

A Pick stitch is another variation of the rear stitch. During this, the needle goes back just one or two threads of the material.

A half back stitch is employed as an ornamental stitch. 

Blind hem or stitch

This is an invisible stitch employed by them. Then on to subsequent stitch, ensuring that not much of the thread is shown outside.

Steps to form an error Stitch

The knot is going to be enclosed within the fold. Now come to the hem and insert the needle into the fold, just left to the place where you’ve got drawn a thread. Bring the needle out.

Repeat the method again.

Saddle stitch

This can be said to be a ringer to the stitching machine lockstitch, but with a plus – it’s more strong and doesn’t unravel on itself when it’s cut.

Blanket stitch

It’s called stitch as traditionally, it’s wont to stitch the sides of blankets. It not only gives the blanket edges a pleasant look but also secures them. This stitch is now utilized in many other crafting projects, making it one among the foremost wanted stitches.

The stitch is usually confused with the stitch . Instead, it should be said that stitch and stitch are often considered an equivalent . While some extensive research would logically explain that they’re not. While both stitches are wont to secure edges, a stitch may be a sturdier one.

How to sew a blanket stitch?

  • Bring out the needle 1/4 inches from the sting of the material from the rear to the front.
  • Place the needle a little distance from the primary point and bring it out from the front to the rear.
  • Repeat until you’re finished.

A stitch may be a stitch with a knot. it’s made slightly differently.


These are the five super-easy hand-stitches you can learn to do perfect sewing. If you need any advice or help related to the topic or anything related to embroidery digitizing, you can reach out to us at Migdigitizing.