7 Taboos about Custom Pillow Boxes Packaging You Should Never Believe

Pillow Boxes

Custom Pillow Boxes – The demand for pillow boxes is increasing day by day. They are used for numerous purposes. They are easy to carry and be taken anywhere. Different cosmetic brands also use these to increase the presentation of their product. This article will explain 7 taboos about pillow packaging you should never believe: 

Custom Pillow Boxes are Same:

The biggest taboo about these packages is that all of them are the same. This is not true because the material of the packaging has a wide range of custom pillow boxes. The packaging can be made from any material you want. Usually, eco-friendly Kraft paper, E-flute corrugated, Cardstock, and bux board are used to make durable packaging.

Moreover, it can be customized easily in all shapes and sizes. Whenever a company chooses the packaging for its custom pipllow boxes, it makes sure that they look different from the rest pillow boxes. The changes are made according to the customer’s requirement. Brands want to have a unique identity in the market custom pillow boxes. This why companies order custom pillow boxes for their products. 

Customized Pillow Boxes
Customized Pillow Boxes

Corrugated Boxes Are Not Strong:

This is a misconception about the pillow packages made up of corrugated paper. Corrugated paper is one of the strongest types of material used for packaging. These packages can be piled against each other, and the integrity of the package will still be maintained. The custom pillow boxes also have ec0-friendly nature.

These boxes are recycled and used again for other purposes as well custom pillow boxes. They will not increase land pollution. Many companies utilize corrugated paper packages for their products because they can handle the external environment’s stress and wear and tear. So the impression that they are not reliable is false. 

The Consumer Doesn’t Care About The Packaging:

Another myth about this packaging is that the consumer won’t care about it. This is wrong. Pillow packages are used for several purposes. It is used for cosmetic products, jewelry, edibles, and many more. The first thing a customer interacts with before interacting with the product is the packaging.

If the packaging is not impressive and is not up to the mark, the customer will not buy your product. Today we live in a world dominated by social media apps where people make detailed videos about the experience with the packaging first before getting to the product custom pillow boxes. Sturdy pillow packages are a must for your company. Pillow boxes wholesale are available online at reduced prices. 

Custom Printed Pillow Boxes
Custom Printed Pillow Boxes

High-Quality Printing of Custom Pillow Boxes:

Printing is done on the packages to make them stylish and more beautiful. It is a common misconception that high-quality printing cannot be achieved on pillow packages. This is a baseless taboo. There are many printing methods used for pillow packages. Pillow boxes printing can be done by using CMYK and PMS techniques.

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By using these methods, you can print anything of your choice on the packaging. The quality of the printing will be premium. CMYK is a color model used for color printing. It has four color combinations. On the other hand, for more vibrant printing, you can go for PMS. It is the method of printing involving mixed. The quality of both of these techniques is top-notch. 

Packaging Material Is Not Eco-Friendly:

It is observed that many people have the misconception about the pillow packages that they are made up of plastic or the material used in their manufacturing not environment friendly. This is completely wrong. Kraft paper, E-flute corrugated, Cardstock, and bux board are the commonly used materials for these packages.

This material has biodegradable properties and can be used again for many other purposes as well custom pillow boxes. The taboo that they are made up of plastic is wrong. The product will be safe in these boxes, and no harm will be done to it. These are the first choice of many companies when it comes to present their products. This makes them a perfect recommendation for shipping purposes.

Pillow Boxes Wholesale USA
Pillow Boxes Wholesale USA

You Need To Buy A Lot To Save On Cost:

Another misconception about these packages is that you have to buy them in bulk to get them at reduced prices. When a thing is purchased in large quantities, the prices reduce automatically. But it does not mean that you only have to buy them in bulk.

Some vendors provide services along with free shipping and free consultation as well. You can also utilize the storage space of your company to reduce costs. You can also ask for speedy deliveries in small quantities with less cost custom pillow boxes. If your supplier is trustworthy, he will give you amazing deals as well. You don’t need to only from wholesale to spend less. 

Complicated Access To Custom Pillow Boxes:

One of the most circulating taboos about these packages is that they are complicated and not good enough to access the product. This is wrong and baseless. These are made with simple designs and can be open easily. They don’t have any complicated shape or design to confuse the customer. They are easily made and assembled, and ready to use.

This is why they are most commonly used in festivals and special occasions because they are easy to open. The customer does not have to unwrap the layers to get to the product. Depending on the type, they have top, front and side closure as well.

Custom printing services have amazing features and can be used for multiple purposes. They are loved by jewelry and cosmetic brands because of their sturdy appearance and durability. They enhance the quality of the product. The taboos about them are completely wrong. Their qualities are exceptional, and all brands are utilizing them to look distinctive among others.