Top 9 Travel Destinations For 2023


Travel has been obliquely absent from our lives in the year 2020. It is often viewed as a time-honored pastime which was so well-established that it could never be eliminated from our lives and we felt a sense of sadness when global travel was fraught with challenges and became unattainable for many. It’s been a long time when we could feel the excitement of getting out of a plane into an unfamiliar country, uneasy of what the coming days would bring. The new year offers new hope of renewed possibilities for traveling around the world. 2020 has demonstrated that travel is more than being a simple list of box-ticking Instagram opportunities. There’s more! In the past year, we’ve learned to enjoy travel in a way that we’d never thought of as food to nourish the spirit. Travel encourages, feeds and recharges us. We all are in need of it more than ever before.

1. Costa Rica

Costa Rica has long held an important place in heart of eco-travelers and holds its spot on the very top list for an incredible place.

From the magnificent Volcano Arenal situated in misty clouds that are brimming with wildlife, to the stunning beaches that are palm-fringed with turtles who lay eggs to the sound of howler macaws as well as macaws monkeys Costa Rica is a sustainable tourism paradise. Many consider it to be one of the greenest nations in terms of tourist destinations, few locations where the expression “leave only footprints” is more appropriate.

2. Botswana

When you hear someone say they’re planning a safari the first images they show are usually of Kruger and the Kruger region of South Africa and Kenya, however, among those who are aware, Botswana has quietly built its reputation as being among the top safari destinations around the world. If you’ve only had time to go on just one adventure in 2023 Botswana is definitely on your radar.

It is famous for its breathtaking Okavango Delta, a Unesco World Heritage site renowned for its lush grassy plains that floods during the dry season, turning the region into a stunning and lush habitat for animals in which dugout canoes float along the rivers, passing hippos as well as crocodiles, elephants and other animals. There is the Moremi Game Reserve, which covers the eastern and central zones of the region allows for the chance to see some of the largest and most stunning of the wildlife that lives on dry land such as lions, leopards rhinos, and giraffes.

3. Slovenia

The increasing popularization of Adriatic region of Europe has been acknowledged by many and for many years the most popular vacation was or from Italy or, in the past, Croatia – with its incredible history and beautiful Dalmatian coastline beaches. But, travelers are beginning to realize that perhaps there are more attractions to discover in the region and that the bustling streets of Dubrovnik could be replaced by something fresh, and just as stunning. Step forward Slovenia.

4. Pulau Merah, Java

If there’s one category of travelers that seem to choose amazing destinations repeatedly to pursue their passion that is surfing, it’s the surfers. Some of the locations they’re capable of in their travel maps are Fiji, Tahiti, Costa Rica, Hawaii and of course, Indonesia, which has been for a long time a popular destination for surfers. Surfers are known to seek the isolated, uninhabited oceans and tropical waves, and want to stay off the main path, they also possess an ability to find many of the stunning places in the world and not only for surfing. It appears that wherever surfers go, there is one of the most eco-friendly destinations comes along, which is true for the breathtaking islands that is Pulau Merah – or the Red Island as it’s affectionately called. It is surrounded by idyllic deserted sandy beaches and tropical reefs that have the Javan Jungle flowing into the shores of the island, it appears to be a real paradise.

5. Kangaroo Island, Australia

Australia has had its fair number of problems during the years 2020. It seems like a long time ago that the blazes of January destroyed the country, including Kangaroo Island being one of the most affected areas, with an incredible 210,000 hectares of area burned. This is equivalent to more than half of the island. However, as this island bounces back its beauty and charm remain.

This island is a fantastic location for nature and wildlife enthusiasts alike. In reality, you’d think you’d been in an ocean-lined limestone-cragged zoo upon arrival and the island is brimming with seals, dolphins birds, koalas grazing leaves of eucalyptus and, of course, the kangaroos. The island was a rural and rustic place even before the bush fires, and that is the reason why it has such a charm. Kangaroo Island harks back to the Australia of the past before the glittering towers on the Gold Coast came to represent the contemporary version of the country which is best appreciated in this setting: unspoiled and stunning. For those who love food, the island has a wide and diverse variety of award-winning local wine and products that have seen tourists flock to its farmers markets.

6. UAE

Popular for its main cities, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates was the most sought-after destination for 2023 and for good reasons. The critics may be pointing to the lack of tranquility or exploration, however anyone who has traveled removed from the vibrant shining lights of Dubai there’s plenty of things to behold.

7. Isle of Mull, Scotland

There is always an desire to visit warmer climates when searching for your next destination often it’s the places with no guarantee of sunshine that provide the most enjoyable experiences. Only accessible via ferry to the island, Isle of Mull is only accessible by ferry. Isle of Mull is a tiny island in the Inner Hebrides just off Scotland that offers an authentic and rejuvenating experience.

The island itself is home to one of the most diverse and breathtaking landscapes of Scotland. It is home to Central Monroe, Ben More and its rocky ridges that stretch to the west of the island rising over narrow coastal roads strewn by thick kelp, in which you can spot seals, otters, and numerous wildlife, the island provides many things to see considering its small area. For those who love walking and those seeking extreme adventure, there are stunning waterfalls, kayaking, floating in lochs, and wild swimming that lie in the shadows of castles from centuries ago and white sand beaches that wouldn’t be not at home within the Caribbean.

8. Maldives

Though you might wonder the reason why a popular destination is included in an article listing the top 10 most popular destinations for 2023, there’s certain that the peace and tranquility of the Maldives are more in need more than ever. After such a turbulent year, the pristine island elegance that is the Maldives is something that needs to be savored to believe. It is among the very few spots in the world where the plethora of photos do not give it the full justice they deserve. There is nowhere on Earth that is more serene and romantic.

The Maldives are likely to once again to take the crown of the most luxurious getaway destination worldwide as more travelers seek to escape to paradise. However, to label this beautiful Indian Ocean archipelago as a location to lay on a lounger under a palm, looking forward to drinks and private dinner under the stars would be doing the Maldives an injustice. The Maldives is a lot more to offer than the luxurious over-water bungalows or pristine beaches. It’s now solidly positioned as one of the top surf, diving and paddle-boarding destinations, and is one of the few spots that allows all ages to snorkel amid some of the most beautiful and vibrant sea creatures in a safe and secure environment only a few yards away from your resort.

9. Siargao Island, Phillipines

If you’re in search of an area that is largely unexplored paradise in the tropical region then look no further than the stunning Siargao Island in the Philippines. Another palm-swathed, coconut-colored travel discovery, Siargao owes a large part of its position on our list to the adventurous surfers who possess a strange ability to discover treasures from all over the globe. Siargao is an absolute must-see for anyone looking for the perfect spot on Earth. The surfing capital in and the Philippines, Siargao was voted the best island of the World by the readers in Conde Nast Traveller magazine in the year 2019 and with good reason.