A Magnificent Way to Decrease Sound Pollution: Acoustical Barriers

A Magnificent Way to Decrease Sound Pollution: Acoustical Barriers
A Magnificent Way to Decrease Sound Pollution: Acoustical Barriers

An exterior structure is designed to prevent noise pollution and protect the inhabitants living around. This is a great initiative and an effective one, that reduces industrial, roadways, and railways noise sources. The highway noise barriers are constructed to reduce the traffic noise on the highways. Generally, highways are constructed in a way that hides the nearby houses. It is because of the installation of massive walls that protects the neighborhood from noise.

In California, 760 miles of sound walls are constructed, followed by Florida which is 252 miles.

Residents want these walls to be installed since it prohibits most of the noise from getting out. While many residents have experienced the effectiveness of the barriers, some have complained of amplifying the noise. It has been noticed that in many locations it was quiet until the barriers were installed. In some way, the highway noise barriers have echoed the noise and made the situation worse.

The construction of Acoustic Barriers

The states need to predict the sound by creating a specific sound model. This is done once the roads would be expanded and carried the same for several decades. Many factors are to be considered such as the buildings, expected trucks, and cars, vegetation around the area, etc. The ground quality of the land between the homes and roads are observed too. The different ways the sound is diffracting are checked precisely.

If the above formula complies with the government threshold of 67 decibels(dB) that is during the noisiest hour of the day. If it can be reduced to 5 dB, for some homes, then the government requires to install the wall, if the community wants it. The above factors can be different in various states, given the surrounding home, vegetation, and sound wave. Because of this, the reasonability differs in different regions.

Some noise predictions seem psychological

In many cases, people complain of hearing the sound, if they even see the top of the trucks. It appears that the surrounding is noisier. This is noted in many surroundings and hence it is concluded psychological. Since noise travels in waves and not through straight lines, sound can reach over the wall. This is the reason, that the homes situated at far off can still hear the noise. It is explained as some part of the noise is absorbed, while some part gets reflected, while some escapes. Generally, highways are constructed in a way that hides the nearby houses. It is because of the installation of massive walls that protects the neighborhood from noise.


Installing highway noise barriers has proved to be fruitful and has reduced noise pollution in many state routes. Considering all the factors and installing the barriers can reduce sound pollution effectively. The walls trap the noise from reaching out to the residents. Many people have witnessed a change and reduction in noise pollution after the successful installation of the acoustic walls. This is a brilliant way to make the neighborhood peaceful by reducing the intensity of the sound source. The good results and happy residents have encouraged other states to install the sound barrier at its earliest.