All you need to know about Piles Surgery in Singapore and Colorectal Surgeon!

All you need to know about Piles Surgery in Singapore and Colorectal Surgeon!
All you need to know about Piles Surgery in Singapore and Colorectal Surgeon!

What is Piles surgery and how does it work?

Surgical intervention to address the veins that have grown irritated or dilated around the anus is known as haemorrhoid surgery (also known as piles). In most cases, it is a safe procedure that is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anaesthetic or spinal anaesthesia. This condition is characterised by internal or external haemorrhoids that might be asymptomatic as well as causing itching, pain, and discomfort for the patient.

What is the reason for this?

It is necessary to undertake haemorrhoid surgery in order to either remove the haemorrhoids from the veins or sew them back to their natural location. It is prescribed when a patient experiences itching in the anus, anal bleeding, soreness, or coagulated blood in his or her anus.

What exactly does it entail?

Haemorrhoidectomy is the most common type of piles operation, and it involves in removing the haemorrhoids and sealing the wound with sterile gauze to minimise bleeding.

One other method is stapled haemorrhoidopexy (also known as the PPH or Longo method), which consists of inserting a mechanical suture through the anus that removes excess rectal tissue while at the same time suturing the mucosa with metallic stitches, repositioning the haemorrhoids to their natural position.

An alternative surgical procedure for treating haemorrhoids that does not entail the removal of any tissue is: Doppler-guided transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD method) is a minimally invasive and virtually painless procedure that consists in identifying and suturing the hemorrhoidal artery that supplies blood to haemorrhoids using a Doppler probe and a needle. This procedure also involves repositioning the prolapsed mucosa during the same procedure.

Preparation for Piles Surgery

Prior to piles surgery in Singapore, the patient must inform the coloproctologist specialist of any drugs they are taking, as well as whether or not they consume alcohol or whether or not they are pregnant. On the other hand, it may be necessary to refrain from taking drugs that have an anticoagulant effect, such as acetylsalicylic acid, in the days leading up to surgery.

Furthermore, if the patient is suffering from the flu, a fever, a cold, herpes, or any other sickness, the surgery may have to be postponed until the ailment has passed.

Following the intervention, there should be follow-up care!

In most cases, the patient is discharged from the hospital and is able to return home the same day as the operation. In most cases, the postoperative period is extremely painful, and drugs will be offered to alleviate the discomfort.

In general, the patient’s progress following the operation has been quite positive, and he or she will be fully recovered in a few weeks. It is critical that you maintain a balanced diet and exercise routine in order to avoid the formation of new haemorrhoids.

Alternatives to this treatment are available!

Recently, laser resection has evolved as a new haemorrhoid removal treatment, which is similar to the previous one. Instead of a knife, the Diode Laser and transmission fibres are used to slice and remove the haemorrhoid in this procedure. Due to the precision of the laser and the fact that no cuts or stitches are formed in the anal tissue, this approach is less unpleasant and results in less bleeding than other methods.

Colorectal Surgeon- What do they do Exactly?

Those with a special focus in illnesses of the colon and rectum are known as colorectal surgeons. A colorectal surgeon must obtain training in both general surgery and specialised training in the disorders of the lower digestive tract in order to become proficient in the treatment and management of these digestive ailments. A colorectal surgeon may also be referred to as a proctologist in some instances.

People who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may need to see a colorectal surgeon on a regular basis. If a gastroenterologist wants a surgical consultation, one of the reasons for doing so is to assess whether Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis has progressed to the point where surgery is the most effective treatment. Following surgery, persons with IBD may choose to maintain communication with their colorectal surgeon for a period of time, particularly if the surgery was for an ostomy or a j-pouch.

A colorectal surgeon does not always recommend surgery as the best line of action for his or her patients. It is sometimes necessary to contact a surgeon in order to provide the patient and family with more options or to assess whether it is best to postpone surgery. In some cases, a gastroenterologist may refer you to a colorectal surgeon Singapore, but this does not necessarily imply that you will need surgery.

How to become a colorectal surgeon?

In most cases, general surgery residency programmes last between 5 and 6 years after completion of a 4-year medical school degree in general surgery.

The specialised training programmes that a general surgeon must complete in order to become a colon and rectal surgeon often take an additional 1 to 2 years to complete on average. An average of 14 years of formal classroom study and hands-on training is required before a colorectal surgeon may be licenced to practise medicine in the state in which they live and work.