Briefing: the Nationality and Borders Bill, Part 1 (citizenship reforms)


Earlier in July, there were major transformations in the Nationality and Border bill, part 1 which had its second reading on 19 and 20 July 2021.

The Bill is comprehensive coverage of new immigration policies that were long due.

During the time of announcement of the bill the Home Secretary, Prit Patel shared how this nationality and border bill will introduce necessary amendments and streamline the broken asylum system

What does this Bill aim?

They are three major objectives of this Bill, that aims to revisit the nationality and border bill issues

  1. The bill aims to increase the fairness of the system, to create a robust system that can protect support in need of asylum
  2. To ensure no  illegal entry or migrant workers, smugglers  into the United Kingdom, to break the business network, and lead to  special and economic imbalance directly threatening the security of the United Kingdom.
  3. To ensure British Citizenship (through Naturalisation UK) processes are strict, only those who have rights will stay in the UK.

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With respect to Nationality- changes or updates included

The bill aims to help remove the historical irregularities and unfairness of any kind in the British laws. All the additional criteria for British citizenship applications

made on behalf of the stateless children born in the UK would be streamlined and implemented.

Asylum, irregular migration and enforcement action taken against smugglers, illegal workers

The UK has been facing quite a lot of irregular entries followed by late claims of seeking asylum. This now by all means will be strictly curbed and heavy penalties will be laid on those found guilty.

Any or all Irregular persons seeking entry to the UK will be given restricted access to the United Kingdom’s Asylum System and could also be given an inferior immigration status and rights if they are permitted to stay. The Bill also addresses, highlights and allows for the off-shore processing of these claims to seek asylum and organise the interpretation by the UK’s 1951 Refugee convention’s concepts to streamline the asylum activity.

The Nationality and Border Bill introduces several newer ways to dissuade any claims or claims without any and late claims.

The bill also highlights the “priority removal” process, which would include some

new prerequisites to access the legal advice publicly funded, many new fast-track approaches to streamline appeal process or cater to detained cases. The Bill would help increase the criminal sanctions for offences related to illegal entry and facilitating unlawfully any migrant workers or increasing illegal activities and increase the high penalties associated with such crimes by the UK laws.  It would not only secure the UK border but also provide the UK  border and immigration staff with new and additional authority to stop and redirect ships or vessels out of UK territorial waters, as mentioned under the UK’s international legal responsibilities.

Seeking support for newer changes

While the nationality and border has undergone many transformations, the British Citizenship through the process of Naturalisation will create many confusions and will need constant legal advice.

It is best if you seek support from the best immigration lawyers. A Y & J Solicitors have been helping many clients seek British Citizenship and all other immigration needs fulfilled successfully.

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