Everything You Should Know About SMS Short Codes

SMS Short Codes

The concept of SMS advertising is not new for business organizations and consumers of the modern era. Where social media and email marketing limit the reach of stakeholders to their target audience, SMS marketing helps them connect with their targets at the grass-root level. The only problem is that if they use their ten or eleven-digit number to promote their product or service or share general information, the target audience may not take it seriously. This is where SMS short codes come to their rescue. They are five to six-digit numbers organizations can use to send any type of message to their prospects.

Dig deeper into this article to explore everything else you should know about SMS short codes.

Types of Short Codes

Business organizations use different types of short codes to reach their audience as well as earn their recognition for better communication.

  • Shared short codes
  • Dedicated short codes
  • Random short codes
  • Vanity short codes

Benefits of SMS Short Codes

Here are some of the most attractive benefits you can achieve by using SMS short codes.

  • Professional
  • Easy to remember
  • Instant message delivery
  • Brand awareness
  • Manage multiple campaigns
  • Proper subscriber management

Common Organizations Using SMS Short Codes

The use of SMS marketing and short codes has increased significantly during the past few years. Here is the list of common organizations and fields of society that have incorporated the use of short codes in their practice.

  • Business organizations
  • Educational institutes
  • Retail industry
  • Ecommerce platforms
  • Financial organizations
  • Religious organizations
  • Government organizations
  • Healthcare sector
  • Fitness industry

Top 6 Ways to Fully Utilize SMS Short Codes

SMS short codes can be utilized in a number of ways. In the United Arab Emirates, a single business organization has various subsidiaries. Instead of using a separate number for each subsidiary, the authorities pick linked or similar codes for each and ensure to connect with the general public.

Here are the top ways you can fully utilize SMS short codes and ensure a better reach to your target audience.

1.Target Larger Contact Base

Multinational organizations usually have to target a larger contact base. Using traditional numbers or long codes makes it a bit difficult due to technical issues. On the other hand, SMS short codes allow the users to send texts to millions of their contacts. Doing so personally invite hassle, so most organization contact the companies providing SMS advertising in Dubai and achieve their target.

2. Initiate Disaster Response Service

One of the best ways to utilize the SMS short codes to the fullest is by initiating the disaster response service. You can inform the prospects about safety issues and share the precautions well before time. Doing the same by using long codes can make people suspect the sender; however, the short codes depict authority, which will convey your message authoritatively.

3. Offer Reliable SMS Opt-In

Another important way to perfectly use the SMS short code service is by offering reliable SMS opt-in service. The privacy and consent of the users are valued significantly in this modern era. So, you have to ask for the permission of users before sending them promotional or information messages, for which you can use short codes.

4. Conduct Text Voting or SMS Surveys

Another crucial way to make the most of your SMS short codes is to conduct text voting or SMS surveys. Instead of presenting a long form of questions to your users, you can share small questions with distinctive options. It will not only save the time of the responders but will also increase the response rate of your survey, which will make them more effective and reliable.

5. Start Text Donation Campaigns

If you are linked with some charity organization, you can use the SMS short codes to spread the word and get more and more users attracted to your campaign. You can start text donation programs and ask your users to donate to the cause by just replying to the message. It will decrease their hassle while increasing your charity fund.

6. Create Limited Time Sales

Lastly, to utilize the SMS short code service to the fullest, you can create limited-time sales. You can ask your contacts to respond through code if they want to avail the sale. You can get the companies offering SMS advertising in Dubai onboard to ensure proper setup, message formulation and sending it to the target audience on time.

Start using SMS short codes instead of traditional numbers!

Competition has increased significantly in the business world. Organizations have to stay in touch with their target audience to enjoy more sales or profit. In such a case, the use of traditional numbers can decrease the authenticity of the information or the trust of the user on senders. Get in touch with professional service providers to access short codes to connect with your consumers and gain reliable responses. Use the latest means to improve the quality of your connection with your target audience to enjoy profitability.

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