How Energy Management is Related to Energy Conservation?

energy conservation

Energy conservation is a word that is often heard in every corner of the world. Various publications and media have been using that term, usually concerning climate change and the prevention of energy wastage. Energy conservation is any method by which the existing non-renewable energy sources conserved from use. It also usually involves reducing the consumption and dependence on fossil fuels. Anyone can simply conserve energy by simply switching on to a more efficient form of energy use or technology that uses energy better and efficiently.

In recent years, efficient use of energy and conservation of the same has been constantly linked. This connection is not without cause either. The connection between both aspects of energy use helps humanity understand how it works in the real world. It is impossible to discuss conservation without efficiency. Energy efficiency is however more than just a newer technology. Efficient energy use could also involve constructing houses to save energy in extreme climates. Applying that principle, an energy-efficient home will keep people comfortable, all the while saving on costs. Using energy responsibly is an aspect of conserving energy, but there is more to it. By utilising better and modern techniques, energy can be efficiently harnessed and used smartly to the benefit of all.

Energy Conservation vs Energy Saving

It is a common misconception that one can save energy by conserving it. There is only one way to save energy of course, and that is to stop using the modern conveniences that society depends on so much. Conservation however only means to reduce the wastage of resources. It is the only way to benefit from the many modern conveniences and ensure more energy for future generations. Even though dependence on renewable sources of energy is constantly on the rise, fossil fuels are still the primary energy sources. As such, conservation here simply means reducing society’s dependence on those fuel sources.

Why Dependent on Fossil Fuels?

Fossil fuels have of course been quite convenient for a long time, Humanity has advanced a lot throughout the decade depending on the energy provided by fossil fuels. But humanity can no longer afford to be blind, not just the limitations of fossil fuels, but also the effects they have on the planet. Due to the industry that fossil fuel dependence provides for numerous countries, those are still preferred over cleaner options. The easier path is however not always the best, no matter how cheaper it seems. What is also not taken into account, is the ever-growing increase in energy demand along with the aftermath of using fossil fuels. Since energy use will increase further in the coming years, one can estimate that non-renewable energy will deplete sooner than later. Which is why now is the right time to focus all efforts on gradually replacing fossil fuel dependence.

Most national governments have been proponents of energy conservation efforts for a few decades now. The Indian governments have been no different and have, with each generation, improved on energy conservation with better techniques and effort. Various organizations have come up in the past years to enforce standards and regulations for a gradual energy-efficient society. Many in the energy and allied sector have also taken the plunge towards energy conservation. There have been innovations in green energy technology. Such innovations as green hydrogen are proof of that continued effort. With the constant commitment towards efficient management of renewable energy, even institutes of higher education have opened up doors for aspirants and industry leaders to pursue energy project management course

Smart Solutions

Energy conservation and efficiency do not have to depend only on human effort as micromanaging can be a difficult task. To aid humans in the overall effort, there already exists advanced technology like smart devices. Utilizing integrated chips that are always connected to the internet, anyone can track the status of these smart devices at all times. For instance, a water pump used for agriculture can be remotely controlled, to increase or decrease the flow as required. This will help not only with conserving water, but also reduce energy consumption. Smart batteries use the same principle to shut down devices when those are idle and not in use. 

Of course many will see this as just conserving energy. However, a positive side-effect is the reduction of carbon emissions as well. It’s true that people only ever see how much energy they are consuming along with the reduction in costs. The carbon emissions are however just as bad a problem as depleted natural resources. Which is why every industry leader and city administrators should focus on courses like renewable energy management courses to improve their understanding of energy use in their organisations.

Effective Ways To Be Efficient At Home

Some of the ways energy efficiency is usually utilised in residences are as simple as using insulating materials in construction. There are of course numerous ways to improve energy efficiency at home, some of which are as follows:

Heating & Cooling System – Every home should have highly efficient and cost-effective cooling and heating solutions. It doesn’t even have to involve expensive options. Simply by employing options like a ductless heat pump, also known as a mini-split heat pump, anyone can meet their energy net-zero goals. These systems are very energy efficient. Without any of the shortcomings of a central and forced-air system, as well as effectiveness at reducing costs, these devices save on a lot of recurring energy costs.

Fresh Air Supply – Stagnating air can heat rooms during summers. As such, rooms will need access to fresh air. With increasing levels of pollutants nowadays, however, the safest bet lay in filtered air. A continuous source of filtered fresh air along with moisture control is necessary for zero-energy homes to be successful. Encouraging the use of high energy-efficient ventilation systems can expel stale air while also returning the same heat to the home with fresh air during winters.

Using the Sun – The natural energy of the sun has multiple purposes. Glass windows can trap the heat during winters, as well as heat water using equipment dependent on direct solar energy. The best out of all the benefits of solar power is electricity. Residences in India have been gradually putting up solar photovoltaic panels for a zero energy home. They can power all of their electrical needs with only solar power, thereby not depending on grid-powered fossil fuel-based electricity at all.


Conservation of energy is a globe-encompassing effort. It will always take the whole world to come together in combating the effects of depleting energy resources, climate change and other effects caused by them. Conservation lies not only on organisations and governments giving into efficient means of energy production and use, however. It requires society as a whole to contribute to the process, and only then can everyone begin moving towards a greener world.