How to Keep Your Garden Healthy

Keep Your Garden Healthy

A nice garden is an important part of your home and other than adding material value to your property it is important for your health as well. Gardening has many benefits and it can be very enjoyable. However, you have to learn about the plants, soil, proper watering, and adequate gardening tools in order to make your garden look healthy. If you’re an amateur, don’t worry. There are some basic things you should know to take proper care of your garden, ranging from a DIY deer fence to . Here are some tips on how to trimming plants, to keep your garden healthy Read more about 7 wonder city.

Make sure you buy a healthy plant

If you buy a plant that already has some problems, it will be difficult to cure it and make it healthy over time. It is better to invest some time and learn about proper ways of recognizing plant issues, so you can avoid sick plants. This means you should learn how to recognize a fully healthy plant which can sometimes be tricky. If you’re an amateur, maybe you should start with plants that don’t require too much maintenance. The first indicator of a plant’s health is its leaves’ appearance. If they are green and shiny, the plant is probably healthy. If there are some sports, brown or of any other color, the plant probably has some issues. The next thing to check, which is a less obvious one, is the root. You need to examine it and see it’s white, symmetrical, and without any dark spots or dried parts. The root is crucial for health. Even if the overall appearance is good, a bad root can eventually kill your plant.

Watch out for the insects

The biggest threat to the plants is insects who feed on them. It is not just the aesthetics that will be damaged by this, but also your plants won’t be able to grow properly and could eventually be destroyed. If nasty pests bite and eat your plants, they can make them more vulnerable to other creature attacks, such as bacteria and this can cause more problems for other plants as well, since some plant infections are transmitted from one to another. Mold, pustules, rot, or necrosis are just some of the symptoms that something has gone wrong.

Trim your plants on time

Trimming is very important and it can be done before spring, in the wintertime if the weather conditions are favorable. This is a good way to cure some infections or even prevent them from spreading. If you trim the infected part, you will stop the infection from spreading further and thus the plant will be able to recover. Be careful with trimming though, since it needs to be done well in order not to remove too much or damage the plant even more. An additional tip is to use sharp trimming scissors. This way the cut will be clean and precise, which will facilitate the healing of the trimmed limb.

Make sure you water your plants regularly

Watering is one of the most important steps when it comes to maintaining your garden and plants. There is one thing you shouldn’t forget, though. Humidity is a good thing for bacteria and many other pathogens. This is why you should choose carefully which watering tool you are going to use. A soaker hose is a good tool since it limits the amount of water that will be spread through the garden and they are good for watering the roots without spreading unnecessary moisture to the foliage. Only water the leaves if the weather is sunny and they will dry fast. You don’t want to have the leaves wet for too long so pay attention if watering by a sprinkler and avoid watering the leaves if not necessary.

Take care of the soil

Healthy plants grow in healthy and nourishing soil. From time to time you should check if the soil needs to be refreshed a little bit by adding some new ones. You can add compost which can improve the quality of the soil. This is especially important for those plants that are in pots. As you may suppose, they are completely dependent on the compost since they can’t extract any nourishing ingredients from other sources.

Protect the plants from weeds and animals

Other than insects, weeds are another natural enemy to many plants. They try to spread the cost of other plants, thus suffocating them. The suffocation can be through the roots or the plant and also indirectly, by being a base for pests that will spread from weeds to your healthy plants. Getting rid of weeds regularly is very important as a prevention measure. Another enemy can be small animals, such as any small herbivores, grasshoppers, critters, bugs, and others. Some of them can be thwarted by a fence that will protect your garden, but some of them are small and can get there anyway. This is the reason to set some traps around your garden and your plants.

Use good fertilizer

Fertilizers are another way to enrich the soil and make a healthy garden. Just take into account that too much of these products can do more harm than good, so be moderate. Too much fertilizer can seriously damage the roots of your plants and thus make them more sensitive to different weather conditions or infections in general. A good way to decide what your soil needs is to consult a professional gardener or to run a soil test. That way, you will use fertilizers in a balanced way.

These are some basic tips on how to maintain a healthy garden. Of course, you can get informed about this subject and add some other actions that can be performed. Don’t forget to learn how to differentiate a healthy plant from a sick one in the first place. Once you´ve done that, the next couple of steps includes proper pest protection, a good watering system with a proper hose, and maintaining your soil nourishing. If you do all that, you will be thankful to have a flourishing garden after a while, and don’t forget to maintain the result once obtained and keep your garden healthy!