Nipple Injury From Nursing: Causes & How To Treat It

Nipple Injury

It can be tough enough to breastfeed your baby without worrying about your nipples getting hurt. But if you do happen to notice one of your nipples is swollen, red, or tender, don’t panic. This isn’t always a sign that there’s something wrong – it could just be normal swelling and pain during breastfeeding. In fact, nipple injuries are pretty common, especially during the first few months when your breasts are constantly changing and expanding.

Nipple injury can occur during breastfeeding and can be caused by a variety of factors including being restrained, being too hard on the nipples, not allowing the baby to nurse deeply enough, using incorrect techniques, due to friction, and having weak nipples. If you are nursing your baby and notice that your nipples are red, swollen, or bleeding, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Here’s everything you need to know about nipple injury and how to treat it if it does occur.

What causes nipple injury during breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beneficial forms of child-rearing. However, there are risks associated with breastfeeding that need to be considered. Nipple injuries can be minor, such as redness or swelling, or they can be more serious, such as a cracked nipple. In extreme cases, a nipple may need to be surgically removed. 

One common risk is nipple injury due to friction. This occurs when the breasts come in contact with your clothes causing skin damage or soreness while breastfeeding. In some cases, this can lead to infection, which is a serious complication. If you experience nipple pain or irritation, be sure to consult your doctor. Although nipple injuries are fairly common, they can often go undiagnosed and untreated.

Causes of nipple injury vary depending on the individual’s anatomy and breastfeeding technique. Common causes include:

  • rubbing against clothing or other objects while nursing
  • using incorrect positioning while nursing (e.g., leaning forward)
  • using too much force when nursing

There are a few more common causes of nipple injury that can occur during breastfeeding. These can include accidental piercing of the nipple by a milk ejection reflex, forceful biting or sucking on the nipples, and compression of the milk ducts by the baby’s head or body. When these injuries occur, they can cause pain and bleed in the nipple.

There are a few ways to prevent these types of injuries from happening. First, it is important to ensure that your baby is not able to pinch or bite your nipples accidentally. You can do this by using cloth nursing pads or wraps that cover both your nipples and your baby’s hands. You may also want to use a pacifier when breastfeeding so that your baby does not have access to your nipples at all times. If you experience any pain or bleeding from your nipples, don’t hesitate to seek medical attention.

Tips On How To Treat Nipple Injury Due To Breastfeeding 

If you or your partner have ever experienced nipple pain, swelling, or discharge after breastfeeding, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. There are a few things you can do to help ease the pain and swelling while you’re waiting for a doctor’s appointment.

  • Try Heat: One of the first things you can do to relieve nipple pain is to apply heat. Apply a warm cloth, heating pad, or heating device directly to the area. Be sure to avoid applying heat for too long at a time; overuse can cause additional pain and damage.
  • Drink fluids: Resting and nursing your baby should be accompanied by plenty of fluids (water, juice, etc.). This will help keep your blood sugar level stable and minimize any potential blisters that may form from moisture loss on your nipples.
  • Eat low-sodium foods: In addition to drinking plenty of fluids, try including low-sodium foods in your diet while nursing. Sodium can contribute to nipple inflammation.

Wrapping Up

Breastfeeding can be a fun, joyful experience for both mother and baby. However, sometimes accidents happen – such as when babies accidentally pull on the nipples during feeding. In these cases, it’s important to understand the causes of nipple injury so that you can treat it correctly. This article provides information on how nipple injury can occur, as well as tips on how to prevent it from happening in the first place. By taking note of these guidelines, you could help reduce the risk of having nipple injury.