There are Many Benefits to Preforming Umrah During Ramadan



Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, and it is the best time to make a nisaa’ (blessing) for your family and friends. This year, Ramadan will begin on Thursday, May 17. It lasts 29 or 30 days, depending on how you mark the beginning of Ramadan and find Individual Ramadan Umrah Packages.

Umrah or Hajj?

Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is obligatory for those who are physically and financially able to perform it. Umrah (or Umrah al-Quran) is also known as “the lesser pilgrimage.” There are two types of Umrah:

•  Umrah of Hajj (also called “Umrah al-Hajj”) – performed only in the period between the 9th day after the end of Ramadan until the 12th day after Eid al-Fitr

•  Umrah without performing the Tawaf around Safa and Marwah, which can be performed at any time during the year except during Ramadan (the 12th day after Eidul Fitr)

Know Your Rights

•  You have the right to perform Umrah or Hajj in the same way as other Muslims.

What to bring with you?

•  Bring a copy of your passport. This is a must, whether traveling alone or with someone else. If you have been to Saudi Arabia before, it’s likely that they have this information on file and will not give you any trouble about it.

•   Bring a copy of your Umrah visa (if applicable). This can be confusing because there are different types of tickets for different countries, but we’ll get into that later! Just know that if you don’t have one yet, then all is not lost because there are ways around this issue too!

•  Bring both passports together so that customs officials can see both at once when checking in at airport checkpoints; otherwise, they may not allow entry into their country without proper documentation proving who exactly has entered which country first…and who knows where things could go from here?!

Hajj is compulsory at least once in the lifetime of a Muslim.

Hajj is a religious obligation that every Muslim should fulfill at least once in their lifetime. It is the fifth pillar of Islam, and it requires every able-bodied person to leave their home and perform this pilgrimage to Mecca once each year, on the ninth day of Dhu al-Hijjah (the last month of the Islamic calendar).

Hajj has been practiced by Muslims since before Islam was established as a religion; however, it wasn’t until after Prophet Muhammad died that these rituals became part of Islamic belief and practice. During Hajj, pilgrims visit Mecca for two reasons:

•  To perform Umrah (a minor pilgrimage) which counts towards your Hajj quota but does not require you to leave your home; or

•   To perform Tawaf (circumambulation) around Kaaba – another rite associated with pilgrimage but doesn’t actually involve leaving home!

The meaning of Umrah.

Umrah is a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is a religious obligation for Muslims to perform Umrah at least once in their lifetime if they are physically and financially capable of doing so. The first time that a person performs Umrah should be after their puberty and then every year after that until he/she dies or reaches 70 years old.

The rituals of Umrah include:

•             Istisqa (walking on foot) between Safa and Marwah seven times;

•             Stoning the devil by hitting the stone with a hand;

•             Tawaf (seven circuits around Kaaba) while facing Qiblah toward Makkah;

•             Sa’i (running between Safa and Marwah seven times);

It is important to follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad while performing Umrah and Hajj.

Following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad is a great source of guidance for all Muslims. The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad is a source of guidance for all Muslims, and it will help them to understand their religion better. It can also be used as an example to other people in order to show them how they should live their lives according to their own religion.

The Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad was given by God’s Messenger on earth so that he may guide us towards our ultimate goal, which is ‘to love Him (God) with all our hearts, souls and minds’ – as stated in the Qur’an:

“And We have not sent you but as a mercy for mankind.” [Qur’an: 16:128]

The most common question asked by people is whether they should perform Umrah or Hajj.

•  Is Umrah or Hajj Better?

Both are great, and both have their own advantages. If you have time to go on a spiritual journey, then consider going for Umrah. It will help you with your religious life and also make it easier for people who are not familiar with Islam to understand what Muslims believe in.

On the other hand, if your goal is only physical travel, then Hajj is the best option for you because it gives people an opportunity to spend some quality time together as well as learn about Islam through its rituals and traditions in Mecca during the pilgrimage season every year when thousands of pilgrims gather at Mecca from all over the world every year (usually between June 12th till September 24th).

There are some essential things that you need to know before going for Hajj or Umrah.

You should know your rights and what to bring with you. You need to know what kind of clothing is allowed and how much money you can take on Hajj or Umrah. You should also plan and make sure that everything has been paid for before leaving home.

Before going on Hajj or Umrah, it’s important to understand the meaning of each pilgrimage. The word “Hajj” means “to set out for Makkah.” Umrah means “to visit Mecca.” Both pilgrimages are considered important by Muslims around the world because they reaffirm their faith in God, but they have different meanings based on where people are going when they perform them (Makkah or Mecca).


More and more people have started to perform Umrah, as it is now easier than ever before. You should not worry about the weather or anything else. Just make sure that you are following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad while performing Umrah or Hajj.