Tips On How To Become Famous On YouTube


If you’re planning to start a YouTube channel so that you can become very famous or you can earn money. Then there is good news and a piece of bad news for you. Bad news is becoming famous or earning money on YouTube might take a few months or years. It will not give you an overnight sensation.

The good news is that it doesn’t mean that you should not try; if your content is excellent and attractive, then the guarantee of success would be 100 %. In addition, you can do many things to become famous faster on this social media platform. Things like tech hacks, practical action plans, tips, and tricks might help you to gain popularity.

Polish your YouTube channel profile

Creating a channel profile is a vital process in starting a YouTube channel. And the looks of your page decide how many users will be attracted to your page. So you have to make it more and more attractive.

  1. Create a catchy cover – While making a cover, you should remember that it must be interesting when people see it. You can make a cover image with your face, tagline, and call to action.
  2. Let people know about you – You can add a proper description about yourself and become a famous person; you should not be a shy person. Make sure that the information you are providing them about yourself should be enough anyway. Tell them about yourself, what makes you awesome and what kind of content you would shoot or upload on your channel. 

You can also add your social media account via links by which people can easily visit your weather profiles. 

  1. Include a welcome video – This is a completely new approach, but it seems effective. Creating a welcome video would help your user get to know you more. But you must keep your video as short as possible; the maximum time would be 2 minutes. Only keep essential things like your intro in a funny way and a fun mashup.

Give a proper intro about yourself and tell your user why your channel is worth subscribing. These things will help you to buy YouTube likes organically on your welcome video.

  1. Categorize your videos – Whenever you upload a bunch of videos on your YouTube channel; then it would be ideal for you to use the playlist feature to organize them. This feature helps your user not to get lost and overwhelmed while finding your videos. For instance, you can create categories if you are running a cooking channel.
  • Indian dishes
  • Italian dishes
  • Chinese dishes
  • Mexican dishes

This will make your user find your videos easily. The user often does not like to search for content for minutes to find it. You only have a few seconds to grab the attention of your viewer and make them into your content.

Use some smart tech hacks.

YouTube has its ranking algorithm, and this platform considers many factors to rank the video at the top of the search. However, when you are struggling to gain the initial fan base, some tricks might help you to give your channel a boost.

  1. Shoot longer videos – A video of five plus minute have a higher chance of being ranked on this social media platform, so it would be ideal for you not to shoot vines or one to two-minute videos.
  2. Use keywords in your video file name – Conduct thorough research of keywords that can easily fit your video. Then, using them in the video file name will help you to gain a lot of traffic to your video.
  3. A good appearing title – Your title must attract traffic to your videos. Below are a few things you should consider before creating a title for your video.
  • Include at least five words
  • Include keywords inside them
  • Be catchy and clickbait
  1. Right description in the right way – To give an idea about your video before people even open them would be an idle option through video description. But on the other hand, most people are usually interested in reading the description before even starting the video so that they can even know about what type of content you are creating. So you must give them a proper detail of your video description.
  • Essential guidelines for the description
  • Include the keyword in the first 25 words
  • Make a minimum of 250 words of description
  • Use your keyword 3 – 4 times

If you want to become a successful YouTuber and earn a decent amount of money organically, you might follow all the steps. However, there are many YouTube who buy YouTube video likes; comments end subscribers to be popular on this platform. YouTube has some strict policies for them. So do not even try to think of them.