Top Online Learning Apps:


In the online world, let’s be honest; our reliance on online existence has increased two folds after the COVID-19 pandemic. All the aspects today are moving towards online sustainability rather than a physical way of life.

Education and learning is the most affected aspect of human lives when considering online and physical presence. The pandemic taught us that we do not need to be in classes to learn and educate ourselves and our kids. We can do that sitting at our home.

Online education services and apps have seen immense development and use ability in the past couple of years and are now an integral part of the education system for our Kids. Considering the above fact, we have compiled a list of top online apps based on their practicality, content, use ability, user-friendliness, and of course, free quizzes.

  1. Duolingo

Duolingo is the app that shines like a white dwarf of language learning apps. The app contains a variety of languages (at least 34) and provides short exercises with motivation and rewards to develop an attraction for learning. It also provides both written and spoken formats for easy learning. The targetted lessons in a modular system allow you to access the next module when you have cleared the previous one. The progress is recorded promptly and can be recalled whenever you need to check the results of free quiz for kids.

  • Khan Academy

When you talk about the gold standard of online learning apps for kids, you name Khan Academy. The immense variety of the subjects offered and the related free quizzes and material are mind baffling. It was developed with learning experts at Stanford and aligned with the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and Common Core Standards.

  • Code Academy

If you or your kid are interested in computer programming and want to develop skills in the field, Codeacademy is the perfect option for you. The app provides a variety of courses from beginners to advance levels, and you are free to select whatever you feel is necessary for you.

With elaborate explanations and charts, the courses are detailed, and the platform does provide you with all the tools you need, so you do not have to download any other app or software. It does come for a fee, and it will give you free quizzes to take.

  • Quizlets

Quizlets is one of the best learning and testing apps available on the market.

It has a great database of review material on a plethora of subjects. Students and teachers can create flashcards, answer true and false questions, MCQs, and free quizzes for kids. The difficulty level increases as the students progress.

  • NASA

Referred to as NASA Viz; The app features remarkable images and video from space and animations that make demanding concepts easier to understand. One of the best exploration apps, the animations provided in the app make the users’ imaginations run wild.

The NASA App provides articles and videos that teach the basics of astronomy. The best part of the app is its focus on giving you a look at the latest developments from NASA’s work.

  • Hopscotch

Yes, another Coding app. The reason for mentioning another coding app is programming is becoming an essential skill.

Hopscotch is another brilliant platform for learning programming, coding, and problem-solving concepts. Hopscotch is user-friendly and comes bundled with many coding tools to help you learn and develop programming skills. Hopscotch allows kids to code their games and solve problems with simple guidance. Kids enable themselves to create their source code with many avatars, addons, and other accessories. The best part, all of the app is for free.