Why do we choose Salalah to invest in?

Why do we choose Salalah to invest in?

The Government of Oman calls and emphatically supports Foreign Investors to join forces with the Salalah Free Zone on its monetary improvement venture to serve all. Financial backers remain to acquire better market access and reach at serious expenses while Salalah Free Zone’s prosperity is eventually the Omani’s Government accomplishment to make a broadened and supportable economy with huge open positions.  

The Salalah Free Zone Services offers answers for entrepreneurs and multinationals hoping to grow their activities into the Middle East, Africa, Southern Europe, and South Asia. We will be there to help you with any necessities and prerequisites you have in regards to the foundation of your association’s quality and activities in the free zone. We will assist you with visa techniques for representatives, just as government grants and the establishment of utilities for workplaces and offices. We can likewise help you in discovering providers or potentially project workers for all your business purposes. 


Salalah’s worldwide area, availability, and cost intensity give an extraordinary benefit as far as reach, empowering worldwide sourcing and trading from and to the world, and serious all out-landed expenses. 

To start with, the area of SFZ gives moving makers direct admittance to nations that are generally crude materials exporters. 

Second, Salalah is among the most serious expense areas in the district as far as work, utilities, and foundation which joined with the closeness to the crude material sources offer migrating makers cutthroat change costs. The administrative climate of worldwide principles gives financial backers affirmations of IP insurance, 100% unfamiliar possession, charges exception, and opportunity of bringing home of capital. 

The area turns out to be more alluring while considering the entrance it offers to Free Trade Agreements (FTA), at present territorially net bringing in business sectors, and shipping lanes. The admittance to the US-OMAN Free Trade Agreement (FTA) gives significant obligations exceptions. The FTA is an intriguing chance to draw in organizations looking to diminish their expense, on the off chance that they produce essentially 35% of their worth in Oman. The FTA is by all accounts especially appealing in different areas like material, gadgets, and other purchaser merchandise and items, generally sent out from Asia to the US. Neither Europe, India, nor China has a comparable understanding. Inhabitants of SFZ can begin exchanging a genuine worldwide traditions-free climate. 

Besides, the area is the focal point of gravity toward the East Africa/GCC/Subcontinent market, which imports more than USD$620 Bln of products and materials each year, giving defacto an alluring provincial market. 

At long last, the essential area between shipping lanes of the East and the West (with over USD 2 trillion worth of products going as the year progressed, Salalah is found right at the core of world exchange) gives Salalah Free Zone Company Formation Cost and conveyance time benefit to migrating makers when contrasted with China, USA and India just as provincial contenders. 

The area has effectively fostered the necessary availability empowering influences to take advantage of its potential as it is served by the Port of Salalah, a global air terminal, a significant organization of expressways into GCC markets, and on schedule, will be associated by a GCC-wide rail organization. 

Oman Air likewise offers a serious ocean air association from Asia to Europe that saves 48 hours on lead times and elapses through Salalah. 

Salalah Port is today a significant territorial and worldwide parcel center, second just to Dubai as far as size, and first in the Indian Ocean. It is likewise one of the greatest deepwater ports on the planet. Three of the World’s biggest delivery lines call at the Port of Salalah offering normal week-by-week associations with worldwide centers (for example 23 to Europe, 21 to the Indian subcontinent, 13 to Asia, and 11 to Africa). Accordingly, import and fare delivering times are on normal 30% to 40% lower than other contending areas (for example 15 days to New York, 12 days to England, and 8 days to Singapore). 


Oman’s modernization, which has endured since the 1970s, has given the country the public foundation appreciated by created nations. By and large, Oman offers an optimal business climate as the Government guidelines and laws in Oman are uncommonly intended to make leading businesses simple and bother-free. Financial backers will track down a steady, secure Business setup in Salalah Free Zone to prosper in Salalah. 

The public authority has as of late presented the One-Stop-Shop (OSS), which involves online organization enlistment, letting the interaction of business enrollment take around three days time: from storing introductory capital at the bank, enrollment with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI), warning of the Tax Department of the Finance Ministry, enlisting workers for social protection to making an organization seal, the strategies are straightforward, basic and occur at the same time which make it quick and productive. 

Oman offers bountiful assets with admittance to an abundance of regular assets, energy, and homegrown and worldwide financing and along with the Salalah Free Zone they offer a thorough business environment ready to address the issues of organizations 

The Salalah Free Zone is customs and tax-exempt for all financial backers and worldwide associations. 

The Omani business climate and Salalah Free Zone offer money managers, business people, and worldwide associations a few impetuses that give straightforwardness, security and benefit. These incorporate

  1.  Up to 100% possession and 0% annual duty, with no negligible capital prerequisites with building up an organization or delegate office in the Free Zone
  2.  No import limitations or limitations of bringing home of capital,
  3.  Trade ensure protection, (iv) exception from all charges, 
  4.  Admittance to business advances.