Consuming coffee prolongs life.
This is due to the reduced risk of many common illnesses and depressive states, and suicides in people who regularly consume coffee.
A clinical study announced in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2012 examined the habits of 402,260 individuals aged 50-71 years (these patients were followed for 12 to 13 years).
The results showed that coffee consumption reduces the risk of death. The ideal choice seems to be consuming coffee in the amount of 4-5 cups a day (men reduce the risk of death by 12%, women by 16%).
Caffeine increases anxiety and impairs sleep.
In addition to the positive effects of caffeine, it is necessary to mention less favorable results.
Consumption of coffee also brings several adverse effects (although the frequency of these effects is very individual).
Consumption of too much caffeine leads to restlessness, anxiety, palpitations, and panic attacks also harm your potency or use Fildena 100 or Fildena 150.
It is necessary to test how you react to caffeine. If you are sensitive to its effects and experience excessive stimulation while drinking coffee, which is manifested by the symptoms described above, limit your coffee consumption.
Other side effects include sleep disturbance.
Coffee can reduce the quality of sleep (so limit your consumption in the afternoon and evening). Caffeine also promotes diuresis (diuretic effect) and increases blood pressure (by 1-2 mmHg).
Caffeine is an addictive substance.
Adverse effects of regular caffeine consumption include addiction. With regular consumption, tolerance to the effects of caffeine develops. The substance will not have the same impact as before, so it will be necessary to increase the dose to achieve the same effect.
In the absence of caffeine, withdrawal symptoms (headache, fatigue, irritability) appear, which can last for up to several days.
The onset of tolerance is one of the typical features of physical dependence. Of course, most people are not happy that they should depend on a chemical to function correctly.
Comparison of coffee with and without caffeine
Some people prefer to drink decaffeinated coffee. This is most often obtained by rinsing the coffee beans with solvent (soluble) chemicals during production. Each time rinsing, a certain amount of caffeine is dissolved in the solvent, and this process is repeated until most of the caffeine is removed.
However, we must keep in mind that decaffeinated coffee may also contain a certain amount of caffeine (which is, however, much smaller than in the case of traditional caffeine-rich coffee).
However, decaffeinated has not shown many of the positive effects mentioned above (reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease).
What to keep in mind?
Several recommendations are appropriate to promote the beneficial health effects of caffeine. Do not add other unhealthy foods (sugar, cream) to the coffee.
It is also advisable to pour the brewed coffee through a paper filter. Unfiltered coffee (e.g., Turkish coffee) contains cafestol, a substance that raises cholesterol.
Consider where to buy it (for example, when shopping at Starbucks, you must consider that the drink will contain a large amount of sugar and its energy value will be high).
Who should limit its consumption?
While it has many of the positive health effects discussed above for the average healthy person, certain groups of people should drink only a limited amount of coffee, or preferably not at all.
Drinking it during pregnancy
Pregnant women should drink only a limited amount of coffee.
Most experts agree that the maximum daily dose of caffeine for pregnant women should not exceed 200 mg. That’s a little more than how much one cup of coffee contains.
It is essential to follow these recommendations if you are pregnant, even if 200 mg has been determined empirically rather than based on relevant studies. We know that a daily dose of caffeine above 300 mg has led to fetal malformations in animals (clinical studies in humans are not, of course, performed in this area for ethical reasons). Still, we do not know in humans whether 300 mg is dangerous or not, and so the limit was set lower.
Therefore, for peace of mind, we recommend that you do not exceed the above dose of 200 mg per day (i.e., drink a maximum of 1 cup per day), especially in the first trimester (first three months) of pregnancy.
Other diseases in which you should not drink it
If you suffer from anxiety, sleep poorly or have high blood pressure, you prefer not to drink coffee or only in minimal amounts (one cup a week won’t hurt you, but one cup a day can be a problem).
Another group of people who should not drink coffee is people with a slower metabolism. They have a slower breakdown of caffeine, which leads to a higher incidence of side effects and an increased risk of a heart attack.
Does drinking it make sense to me?
If you don’t drink coffee at all, I don’t think you should start. Despite a specific positive effect of coffee on health, it’s drinking also has its negatives, so if you do not like coffee and do not drink it, you will not lose anything special.
However, if you already drink coffee and like it, then know that its positive effect on health is higher than the risks.
The decision is up to you and also to your doctor. If your doctor advises you not to drink coffee for any serious reason, you should not consume it use vigora 100 to cure erection.
What do you take away from the article?
There are many controversial issues surrounding it drinking and its impact on human health and experts are often unable to agree on whether coffee drinking is beneficial or not.
Opponents of it drinking are often based on the fact that most of the clinical studies that have been conducted to investigate the effects of coffee are observational studies (i.e., observational studies of the benefit of a substance but not comparing other factors – such as whether the service depends). Also, on what the patient is and drinks next, whether exercising or sitting at a computer, etc.).
However, the fact remains that many of these observational clinical studies have shown the beneficial effects it on human health. Also, coffee belongs to the same group of beverages, such as green tea, which we consider healthy.