What Are The Nice Effects Of Mint Tea?


Mint has been used as a crude drug for more than 3500 years, but now it is familiar as one of the standard herbal teas. Mint tea can have a positive effect on health and beauty by drinking. This time, I will explain the types of mint tea and the correct way to drink it in an easy-to-understand manner with notes.

How Many Types Of Mint Are There?

It is often referred to as “mint,” but “mint” is a general term for many mint types. It’s such a mint, but do you know how many types there are actually?

 6 Types Of Mint Recommended For Mint Tea

There are so many types of mint, but this time we will introduce 6 types that are recommended for use as mint tea.


It is a representative player of mint, and it is also a variety that many people imagine when it comes to herbal tea. Born by crossing spearmint and water mint, it is often used as a crude drug in Europe due to its high medicinal properties.


Spearmint is used not only for herbal tea but also for various purposes. Spearmint is also known as Dutch mint, also known as green mint, characterized by a soft and refreshing scent.

It has a sweeter and softer scent than peppermint, so it is often used for cooking and making sweets in addition to herbal tea.

Apple mint

Apple mint is also known as Woolly mint. It is also called Malva light load. It features a slightly addictive scent that combines the sweet and sour scent of apples with the refreshing mint scent.

In addition, it has a powerful vitality compared to other mints, so it is said that there is a possibility that a new variety will be born if it is cultivated side by side with another variety of mint.

Pineapple mint

It is said to resemble apple mint and is characterized by white spots on its leaves.

This mint is recommended for those who are not good at the refreshing feeling of peppermint and spearmint, and it is also recommended for viewing because of its characteristic appearance.

Cool mint

It is a medium-sized mint and is commonly used in gum and toothpaste.

It has a high menthol content in mint and is not recommended for food because of its unique bitterness and aroma.

Basil mint

It is one of the varieties of peppermint and got its name because its leaves resemble basil.

What Are The Typical Nutritional Components Contained In Mint Tea?

Mint tea, in which the nutrients contained in mint are dissolved, contains various nutrients. From here, I will explain in detail the typical nutritional components contained in mint tea.

Mint polyphenol

It is a typical ingredient contained in peppermint and is characterized by being rarely included in other mints.

It is said to relieve allergic symptoms because it suppresses swelling of the nasal mucosa and suppresses the release of histamine & leukotriene, which are the causative agents of pollinosis.


It is an essential oil of mint oil obtained by steam-distilling the stems and leaves of mint and is characterized by a cool feeling when it touches the skin.

It has the function of activating the skin and stimulating the gastric mucosa to activate the function.


It is a type of flavonoid that is a nutrient that can be expected to suppress symptoms such as pollinosis and atopy because it works to suppress allergies and inflammation.

Rosmarinic acid

It is a polyphenol type and has an antioxidant effect and a function to slow down the absorption of sugar.


It is a component contained in plant essential oils, and although it has a mint-specific scent, it does not have the cooling sensation effect of menthol. It is also said to have the function of lowering blood pressure and helping digestion. Cenforce 150 and Vilitra 40 to help solve ED problems.

Seven Great Effects Of Mint Tea

I hope you found out that mint tea contains various nutritional components.

Now, I would like to introduce what kind of health and beauty effects can be obtained by drinking mint tea.

Relaxing effect

Increased dopamine secretion can help relieve frustration & anxiety provides a relaxing effect.

Detox effect by relieving constipation

The relaxing effect of mint stimulates the intestines’ muscles, and the tension is released, which improves the movement of the intestines.

In addition, menthol, which is abundant in mint, relieves the accumulation of gas in the abdomen and swelling, so it can be expected that the combination of these functions will promote the discharge of stool.

Improved sensitivity to cold

Mint’s menthol component has the effect of warming the body.

Resting the body with a relaxing effect regulates gastrointestinal function, and the detox effect improves blood flow throughout the body, increasing basal metabolism, leading to improved sensitivity to cold.

Prepare the stomach and intestines.

Menthol has the function of relieving tension in the stomach muscles and suppressing cramping. Menthol helps break down fats and proteins and promotes the secretion of bile, which is digestive juice, resulting in indigestion and loss of appetite. You can expect the effect of relieving such things. Vilitra 20 are said to have the effect of regulating physical function.

Ensuring good sleep

It has a relaxing effect, but the refreshing scent of mint tea and the relaxing effect soothe the mind & body so that you can expect a good night’s sleep.

For a good night’s sleep, it is recommended to drink herbal tea before bedtime.

Relieve pain

The menthol contained in mint has an antibacterial effect and also works to relieve pain such as tooth decay and headache.

Therefore, if you want to reduce pain but don’t want to rely on medicine as much as possible, we recommend taking mint tea.

Prevention of bad breath

The antimicrobial action of mint in the mouth suppresses the bacteria to grow it, which bad breath prevention will also lead to.