Apply For India Tourist Visa – No More Embassy Visits!


Due to its vast territory and mild climate, India is famous among tourists for a great variety of flora and fauna. This country can truly be called the land of 1000 wonders and contrasts. Majestic palaces are adjacent to the slums for the “untouchable” caste. From the deafening noise and din of crowded markets, you can get into the silence of Hindu temples in half an hour.

Today, traveling to India can be comfortable and inexpensive. By registering on the website without leaving your home, and without visiting consulates and visa centers, you will definitely be able to appreciate the benefits of the online e-Visa system.

Get The India eVisa Online

To apply for an e-visa to India, you need to fill out a voluminous but simple online application form, upload a scan of your passport in PDF format and your photo in JPEG to the portal, and pay the consular fee with a bank card or PayPal wallet. After that, it remains to wait for the decision of the Government of India, and, in case of a successful outcome, print the result and pack your bags.

The 30-day visa is double-entry and begins to be valid from the moment of entry into India. A visa for 1 year and 5 years is a multiple-entry visa, effective from the moment of approval on the official website. In case of replacement of a passport, you can enter with a visa pasted in the old document. To do this, you need to bring your old and new passports to cross the border.

Fill Out The Online Form

Posted on the site the application form for an e-Visa to India consists of 4 small pages, which will not take you much time to complete.

On the first page, enter the following information:

– A type of travel document. If a person has a regular passport, then the option ordinary passport is selected. The official or special passport tab is selected by people who are in the public service and intend to visit the Republic of India on a business or official visit.

– Citizenship,

– Date of birth,

– email address. On the website, this is called an electronic indicator. It is important to specify a valid email address, which will receive a notification letter regarding the readiness of a visa to India.

– Desired date of visit to India. The date is specified in the format: day, month, year.

– Then you need to choose the type of visa: tourism, medical treatment, business.

– duration of the requested visa: 30 days, 1 year, or 5 years.

On the second page, the person’s personal information is indicated:

– Last name, first name, gender.

– Place of birth.

– Religion. India is a very tolerant country, so it respects all religions. There is no need to worry that your religion will serve as a reason for refusing to issue a visa permit.

– Distinctive external data of a person (the presence of tattoos on the face and prominent places of the body, scars, scars, burn marks).

– Education.

– Information about the change of citizenship during life.

– Passport number, series, date, and place of issue.

Information on page 3:

– Residential address.

– Phone number.

– Information about parents (their gender, citizenship, names, places of birth).

– Your place of work.

– In the last column, you need to indicate the applicant’s involvement in paramilitary organizations. Our advice: it is better to answer “no”.

Then you will go to the fourth page of the form. Here you need to specify:

– Travel route in India. You need to specify all the places and organizations that the person intends to visit.

– The purpose of the visit.

– You need to choose the airport or seaport from which you will return from India.

– The applicant will then have to answer a question about previous visits to the Indian Republic.

– You also need to specify all the states that you have visited in the last 10 years. It is worth remembering that if a person has visited Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan, and Nepal, then he should indicate this, provided that the visit to these countries was carried out over the past three years.

– Then a scan of the passport in pdf format and a photo are uploaded.

After that, the form is loaded, and the person is left to wait for a decision regarding the issuance of an Indian visa.

Receive the approved document via e-mail

E-Visa to India for foreign citizens is made within 4 days, but more often 1-2 days are enough for its application.

After all the necessary documents are uploaded, you should pay for the visa. You can perform this procedure when using a bank card. Payment must be made at least 4 days before the departure date.

After the payment is made, a confirmation code will be sent to your email address.

Present the document upon arrival

To cross the Indian border, you must have a printed e-Visa with you. Border control officers will stamp your passport and let you into India using a printed confirmation letter, which is sent to your email address after the application is approved. You need to make a printout yourself from the attachment in the e-mail confirming the receipt of the e-Visa.

The document will be in PDF format, which allows you to save the material and print it out. To work with this format, you will need a special program. One of the programs that support this format is Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader.

It is worth remembering that an electronic permit is not a visa, and you will need to get a stamp in your passport upon arrival at the airport to enter the country.

Thus, upon arrival at the airport in India, you will need to provide:

– printed e-Visa;

– passport that is valid for at least six months;

– booking a return ticket, which can be asked to show the border guards. In practice, this rarely happens.

We recommend that you carry a printed electronic permit with you at all times while you are in India.

Requirements for Applying Online

Requirements for uploads to the site documents:

– All documents uploaded by the applicant, including business cards, invitation letters, etc., must be in English, otherwise, the e-visa application may be rejected.

– The PDF format.

– Minimum size of 10 KB — Maximum Size of 300 KB.

– Passport Upload — A page with a photo of the passport containing personal data such as name, date of birth, citizenship, expiration date, etc., which must be uploaded by the applicant.

– The page with the photo of the uploaded passport must be the same passport whose details are specified in the “Passport data” section.

The application for e-Visa may be rejected if the uploaded document is not clear and does not meet the requirements.