Difference between Fildena and Viagra


Fildena is a medicinal drug belonging to the phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (PDE5 inhibitor). PDE5 inhibitor is a vasodilating substance that dilates the blood vessels and helps in a smooth and easy blood flow. 

Fildena is an effective pill for men who have erectile dysfunction. These tablets are produced and made in India and contain Sildenafil citrate, which helps in the repression of the PDE5 enzyme for the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) to work smoothly in the penile erection.

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What is erectile dysfunction or ED?

Erectile dysfunction, often known as impotence, occurs when a man cannot obtain or maintain an adequate hard erection for sexual intercourse. It occurs due to a reduction in blood supply to the penis. Physical issues, such as an accident; illnesses, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy (prostate gland enlargement), diabetes, neuropathy (nerve pain), prostate cancer; and psychological issues, such as worry, stress, and depression, are also possibilities. Smoking, drinking, and other bad habits can also cause ED.

When is Fildena used?

The primary source of Fildena is for an easy and smoother blood flow to the male reproductive organ. Still, this medicine is used to treat other medical conditions, such as Hypertension, pulmonary edema, antidepressant, and sexual dysfunction. 

This drug should be used after consulting a doctor and discussing all the signs and symptoms of the disease faced thoroughly. This tablet takes 30 to 60 minutes to come into effect and should be taken at least an hour before having sexual intercourse with your partner. 

The maximum dosage of Fildena is 200mg, and the minimum dosage is 25 mg. You should take at least a 24-hour gap before taking the next dose of Fildena. Patients should take it with water and therefore not be chewed or dry swallowed. Fildena 50 mg can take it with a meal or empty stomach provided the meal is light, low calorie, low fat, and low in sugar.

What is Viagra?

Sildenafil is the active ingredient in Viagra. It belongs to the family of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. (A class of pharmaceuticals is a collection of treatments with comparable effects.) Viagra helps you have and maintain an erection by boosting blood flow to your penis. However, this medicine is only effective if you are sexually aroused.

Fildena Vs Viagra

Fildena 100 mg contains the chemical substance of Cialis or tadalafil, whereas Viagra contains the chemical substance sildenafil. Even though both the pills work as vasodilators to increase the blood flow to the male reproductive organ, their chemical composition is vastly different; hence, they have many differences between them. 

The side effects of both the drugs are similar, including headaches, stomach pain, redness of the face and neck, swelling, dizziness, and fainting. But the only difference is the time limit that both these medicines stay in the body. Viagra lasts for 4 to 6 hours, while the effectiveness of Fildena lasts for about 14 to 16 hours.


When using Fildena, make sure you do not consume alcohol before it. As alcohol and sildenafil Citrate do not interact well, it may cause you to feel dizzy or even faint by reducing your blood pressure and making your ED worse. An allergic reaction to the drug is also possible and should be on the lookout. According to the numerous Fildena reviews, there have been no problems or complications seen, but there have been a few cases of allergic reactions. Hence, in the case of having rashes or spots on the skin, swelling of the lips, face, and tongue- consult a doctor immediately!

Fildena is a drug for the use of men only and should not be consumed by children or women. Men suffering from heart and liver disease, being obese, or having a recent stroke event should also prohibit from consuming it. As Fildena is a vasodilator and PDE5 inhibitor, it should be taken with other vasodilators and PDE5 inhibitors.

Always consult a doctor before using Fildena and tell the doctor about any underlying medical conditions or medications in use. If you have a painful erection for more than 4 hours, consult a doctor immediately. Only a single tablet should be taken a day, and when required, taking multiple doses at once in hopes of fast results can cause problems for the patient.

If you miss a dose, continue with the next dose and do not take the missing amount as it can cause complications. While using Fildena pills, make sure to have light and healthy meals and avoid sugary and fatty fast food. Patients should not fully rely on the purple pill to treat erectile dysfunction and make considerable lifestyle changes. It is recommended that the patient consumes healthy food, the patient should do daily walks and exercises. 

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