Dos and Don’ts of Decorating Accent Wall


An accent wall is a wall that is decorated differently than other walls in your room. Be it in terms of design, color, or texture – an accent commands attention. It creates a focal point around which you can streamline your room’s look and feel. As such when decorating accent walls everything has to be well-thought. So, if you are considering decorating an accent wall, here are dos and don’t you need to keep in mind. 

Don’t just opt for a wall at random: The right wall will make the all difference. So, when selecting an accent wall, look for focal accents that already exist in your room such as a wall behind the sofa, TV, or where your bed headboard leans in your bedroom. Also, make sure that the wall you choose immediately grabs attention on entering the room

Do make sure the color or pattern you choose syncs with your room: There is no restriction over what color to choose but if you are opting for bold hues ensure that the color compliments the rest of your room decor and does not clash or creates a distracting impact. However, if you think a bold color can work well throughout the room, go for it. Else if it looks overwhelming stick to creating an accent wall. 

Do remember paint is easy and effective: If you are not willing to splurge more, paint is an easy and economical way to create an accent wall. Plus, you have the flexibility to redo it whenever you want. Else if it looks overwhelming stick to creating an accent wall. 

Don’t clutter by adding to an already busy room: Doing too much in an already busy room can make it appear chaotic. An accent wall in a busy room is no less than an eyesore

Don’t Restrict Yourself: Let your creative juices flow. You can create accent walls in a number of unique ways which even includes installing shelves, a photo gallery, tiles, a statement art piece, and other exquisite wall decors. These decor pieces will complement your room and will accord it a finished look that you are craving. 

Do Remember About Wallpaper: Wallpaper is a classic choice to emphasize an accent wall. The latest wallpapers are available in a range of enchanting patterns and textures that can offer your room a designer look in no time. Look for a wallpaper that features a chic style. This is how you can personalize your room without taking stress. 

Continue the Color Scheme: Infuse your accent wall color throughout your living room. Incorporate color through decor elements like pillows, table runners, area rugs, throw cushions, art, etc. 

Why You Need An Accent Wall?

  • Makes your room appear bigger and spacious. 
  • Works to separate out areas in an open space plan without construction. 
  • Arouses visual interest and makes your room feel more dramatic. 
  • Add dimension and texture to your room. 

Furthermore, do not limit yourself to your imaginations. Explore options and get inspired to transform your home into an appealing abode.