How Covid-19 Has Changed the Examination Sector


The education system has changed from multiple points of view in the course of the most recent decade, with the main change coming in the method of learning and examination. Educational organizations are gradually moving into online teaching and education, which in a way, is changing the impression of learning among students and guardians. Understudies regularly raise an inquiry about which is superior, on the web or offline test. Directing the test online has numerous advantages like less operational and managerial expense, no security dangers and use of unfair means (cheating), and feasibility of students and coordinators. Online tests have likewise abbreviated the timetable of analyzing the appropriate response sheets and formulating the results besides its numerous other benefits.

The offline test is the customary method of directing tests with offline inquiry papers and OMR-based answer sheets.  Students are provided with the complete questions in the form of question papers and an OMR answer sheet for marking the answer. There are also many offline exams that are descriptive in nature where students need to solve the questions to arrive at a solution or questions which need descriptive, theoretical or essay as the answer. Offline exams are mostly prevalent in testing where the answer has to be essay type or descriptive in nature as questions in online exams are Multiple Choice Questions.

Most competitive exams in India are quickly moving to the online test in view of the numerous advantages of online examinations. In the not-so-distant future, it would not be a shock if most tests would be led online instead of practical classes. The operational setup, cost of logistics and administration are one of the primary reasons behind moving to the online exam. Also, the cases of question paper leaks, safety and security of questions are one of the big issues in offline exams.

Online assessments are turning out to be incredibly mainstream these days with numerous colleges, organizations, and competitive examination bodies changing from the Pen and Paper-based tests as a result of advanced online exam security service available in India . The online assessment is essentially the test conducted on a PC or a laptop with no actual question paper. Online tests will be tested with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) where exam takers need to choose the correct answer among the four accessible alternatives and imprint on the virtual answer sheet.

Online tests, otherwise called Computer Based Test (CBT) are gainful to the coordinators as it has zero dangers on security or deceiving front, is a protected and reliable method of test, lessens an opportunity to check answers and set up the outcome. The test places for PC-based tests are set up in universities or PC labs with satisfactory offices and arrangements required for directing the online assessment.

The organisation which takes over the responsibility of conducting the online examination is specialised in conducting the tests with all the modern technologies and security measures to avoid fraud and make students comfortable during the exam. Certain foundation level arrangements like Computer frameworks with web and Webcam are needed for online assessment. The course of action of all arrangements fundamental for the online assessment is taken care of by the master board of trustees of the educational organizations.

Exam monitoring services contribute to the process of regulating or observing an examination activity. Also, Online Proctoring reduces the oversight or invigilation of an Online Exam, from a distant area.

The official exam conducting authority monitors the test either through the live CCTV streaming from the test lobby or through the webcam introduced on the PC framework, a lot many automated methods have also been introduced. The webcam takes photos of the applicant showing up at the test irregular stretches or records the video of the whole test span with the end goal of security of assessment. There are negligible chances of any kind of fraud or cheating in online exams which makes it the favoured method of the test nowadays.

Advantages of Online Examination

There are numerous advantages of online tests on the off chance that we contrast them and the offline tests. A portion of the advantages of the online test are recorded beneath:

  • The operational, authoritative, and calculated expenses are less in online tests in contrast with offline tests.
  • Safety and security of the question paper are not bargained. It is close to difficult to release online question papers.
  • Feasibility for students in endeavouring the exam.
  • Takes less time in checking the appropriate response sheets and arrangement of result.
  • Questions and students’ answers can be saved and put away for quite a while in an online test.

What changes are implemented after the COVID:

Keeping in mind the situation we need to maintain proper distance as well as sanitization. In order to provide students with a safe environment, many colleges changed their exams from offline to online mode. In this mode, students were made to sit in front of the camera so that proper invigilation can be done. But still few colleges and universities choose to conduct their exam offline so they ask their students to maintain a distance to avoid physical contact in order to reduce the chances of infection and exam malpractices too. They also took hygiene into consideration. Before COVID the authorities checked up on toilet facilities and clean drinking water but now, proper sanitization is done. Instead of large batches students, small batches are made. Making each student sit at a proper distance. This time hygiene is a top priority and thermal testing, mask, shield, and hand sanitizer is available everywhere on the college campus. In fact for invigilation purposes very limited faculties are appointed in order to bring at least no of people in contact. Prior to COVID things were a lot different. After that things changed a lot. This virus is still present and has not vanished yet, we really need to take proper precautions and maintain proper hygiene in order to be safe. The COVID-19 pandemic has constrained us to investigate our examination system and its weaknesses, alongside the evolving student-teacher dynamics.