Marginal Rate Of Distribution – Introduction, Formula and


The Marginal Rate of Substitution is the rate at which a customer is willing to forgo a number of units of good X in return for one more unit of good Y of comparable utility. In business, the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) is the quantity of one good that a customer is prepared to consume in exchange for another good that is as fulfilling. In the indifference theory, MRS is used to analyze customer behavior. 

Uses of Marginal Rate Of Substitution

The marginal rate of substitution analysis is very dependent on the slope of the indifference curve. MRS is essentially the slope of the indifference curve at any given position on the curve.  The marginal rate of substitution is an economic phrase that refers to the amount of one good that may be substituted for another and is used to study customer behavior for a variety of reasons.

For each combination of “good X” and “good Y,” MRS is calculated between two goods placed on an indifference curve, exhibiting a utility frontier for each combination of “good X” and “good Y.” The slope of this curve shows the amount of good X and good Y you’d be satisfied substituting for each other.

The slopes of most indifference curves will change as one walks along them since they are curves. Because you consume more of one good, you consume less of the other, most indifference curves are convex. Indifference curves can be represented by straight lines if the slope is constant, resulting in a downward-sloping straight line.

The indifference curve will be concave to the origin as the marginal rate of substitution increases. This is uncommon since it implies that a customer would consume more of X in exchange for more of Y. (and vice versa). Marginal substitution is usually declining, meaning that a consumer chooses the substitute over another good rather than consuming more at the same time.

Example of Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS)

A customer may have to pick between hamburgers and hot dogs, for example. The consumer is asked what combinations of hamburgers and hot dogs produce the same degree of satisfaction to determine the marginal rate of substitution.

The slope of the resulting line is negative when these combinations are graphed. This suggests that the consumer’s marginal rate of substitution is diminishing: the more hamburgers they have compared to hot dogs, the fewer hot dogs they are willing to eat. If the marginal rate of hamburger substitution for hot dogs is -2, the individual would be willing to forego 2 hot dogs for every additional hamburger consumed.

Disadvantages of Marginal Rate of Substitution

The key disadvantage is that it does not consider whether a consumer would choose one combination of items over another. There are some restrictions to the marginal rate of substitution. This effectively limits MRS analysis to two variables. Furthermore, MRS does not always analyze marginal utility because it regards the utility of two comparable commodities identically, despite the fact that their utility may differ.

What Is Indifference Curve Analysis?

Indifference curve analysis uses a two-dimensional graph to operate. Each axis corresponds to a different form of economic good. Because all of the combinations of commodities represented by points on the indifference curve deliver the same degree of utility to the consumer, the consumer is unconcerned. Indifference curves are heuristic devices used in modern microeconomics to show consumer preferences and budget constraints

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Relationship Between Indifference Curve and MRS

MRS is essentially the slope of the indifference curve at any given position on the curve. Because you consume more of one good, you consume less of the other, most indifference curves are convex. As one progresses down the indifference curve, MRS decreases. The law of declining marginal rate of substitution is what this is called. The indifference curve will be concave if the marginal rate of substitution is growing, which suggests that a consumer will eat more of X in exchange for higher consumption of Y, although this is not frequent.

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