Premature Ejaculation Problems and Solution That You Should Know

premature ejaculation problems and solutions

Premature Ejaculation as the name suggests is a problem, in which men ejaculate sooner than they want to. This disease affects almost one out of three men at some point in their lives according to the researchers. The main cause of this problem can be psychological cause or biological causes. Sometimes a combination of both of them can also cause Premature Ejaculation problems. This problem sometimes even affects the relationships of the men suffering from it; as they are not able to fully satisfy their partners. If you encounter the problem of PE once or twice during intercourse it is not anything to be worried off. As sometimes people go through this problem due to stress and anxiety.

Premature Ejaculation Problems and Solution That You Should Know

But if you encounter the problem of PE with your every intercourse; then you should immediately look for a doctor and should openly discuss your problem with them. However, with the enhancement in medical science; effective Premature ejaculation treatments have been found out to cure Premature Ejaculation problems. Also with the help of counseling and some lifestyle changes the problem of PE can be cured and controlled to a great extent. These days a lot of online portals such as Ohman’s portal are also taking care of men’s sexual and overall well-being and providing them with effective and affordable treatments.

What are the Treatment options available for PE-

There are a lot of treatments such as intake of oral drugs, counseling, therapies, exercises, and lifestyle changes that can help you get out of PE. Well, below are some of the detailed treatment options available for Premature Ejaculation problems which can help you.

Behavioral Therapies-

Behavioral Therapies are low-cost treatments that help in Premature Ejaculation. In these therapies, men are constantly guided so that they can release tension and anxiety; which also helps in building up their self-confidence and helps them increase the ejaculation time. Researchers have shown 45-65% of the effectiveness of Behavioral Therapies in short term to get out through PE.

Pelvic Floor Excercises-

These exercises can be extremely helpful in solving Premature Ejaculation problems; if done with the right technique and method. Start the exercises by finding out the pelvic muscles; for this try to hold your urine midstream these are your pelvic muscles. Tighten these muscles for 3 seconds and hold them for 3 seconds and then release. Do this exercise 3 times for 10 sets daily. Make sure you breathe regularly while performing these exercises.

The Pause Squeeze Technique-

In this technique, you need your partner to coordinate well. This process is done by stimulating your penis; until you feel the urge to orgasm. Then your partner firmly squeezes the end of your penis, until your urge to ejaculate passes out totally. This process has to be done 4-5 times. And at last, this process causes you to delay your ejaculation time and becomes your habit.


One of the most common methods to cure Premature Ejaculation problems is to go for oral medications. Ohman’s portal suggests a lot of treatments that are highly effective in curing PE. Some of the treatments/ pills may need a prescription to buy them, while others may not.

Male Pelvic Toner-

This toner is a medical device that helps to strengthen and tone the pelvic floor muscles. As the pelvic floor muscles play an important role in sexual activity. The toner uses physical therapy to tone the muscles. The toner costs the user 5,500 INR, and one should use it daily for 30-60 minutes to get the results. Although, you do not need a medical prescription to buy this toner.

premature ejaculation problems - male pelvic toner

Winner Cream-

This is the most sold product by Ohman’s portal to cure PE. The natural botox in the cream increases the blood flow in the penis. And the anti-inflammatory properties and the pain-killing properties of the cream help delay ejaculation time. The cream costs 350 INR, and you do not require a prescription to buy this cream. However, to get the results that you want, you should apply one pouch of the cream on your penis 15-20 minutes before sexual activity.

premature ejaculation problems - winner cream

Ayur Virility pack-

The pack has all the components which are made from natural means. It is highly effective to delay your ejaculation and increase time in bed. One pack costs 1,999 INR and lasts for 30 days. However you do not need a medical prescription to buy this pack; the pack contains mixed tablets, health supplements, instruction cards,s and delay capsules.

Last Long Pack-

The pack uses scientifically proven components to help you delay ejaculation and increase time in bed. Although, to buy this pack you require a medical prescription. The pack costs 1,399 INR; and lasts for 30 days. The components of the pack are health check home depot supplements, instruction cards, medicines, and a free sexologist consultation.

premature ejaculation problems - last long pack

Virility Ultra Pack-

The pack has all the natural and plant-based medicines to help you with the PE. To buy this pack you need a medical prescription, and one pack lasts for 30 days. The pack contains sexual supplements, an instruction card, medicines, and a free sexologist consultation; and the pack costs 2,299 INR.


In this process, men are guided to train their minds which can help them get through premature Ejaculation problems. Mostly it includes controlling the anxiety and depression in men. Mostly a combination of medications and counseling helps the best to get through PE. This helps in calming you down and reducing the psychological causes that might be causing PE.


Ohman’s portal is known for providing affordable and effective solutions to all the intimate problems men go through. All the Erectile Dysfunction Medicines are FDA approved and generally, don’t have any side effects in them. They have helped more than 10,000 people effectively. All the medicines can be easily bought from the online platform of Ohman; and are delivered at your doorsteps. They highly take care of the confidential details of the buyer and are extremely careful dealing with it.

So, if you also want to get affordable and effective solutions for all your intimate problems. Check out the official page of Ohman “” and order your needed products today.