Telemedicine and Virtual Consultation: The Indian Future


Summary: Telemedicine and virtual consultation is going in full swing. Both rural and urban settings are using telemedicine facilities to enhance their consultation experience.

Lockdown due to the COVID-19 in the country has given rise to innovations, or we can say revolution in the healthcare sector.

Virtual health care emerged as a potent option to reduce the spread of the virus and also safeguard the front-line workers.

Even though telemedicine was always a part of the health care sector, it was after the COVID-19 that it got the right exposure.

Last year, the virtual consultation sky-rocketed to great heights as a majority of patients prefer online consultation over the traditional one.

Why Do We Need Telemedicine at This Time?

Health care professionals are utilizing the resources to fight the virus, and at the same time, they are addressing their patients’ health concerns.

That’s where online doctor consultation in India becomes a preferred choice for all.

Irrespective of the availability of the vaccine,

it is imperative to adopt safety measures to reduce the social interactions that can lead to increasing the cases.

For this, it is highly essential to adopt telemedicine as an amazing tool to curb the spread of the virus. Virtual consultation allows you to seek medical attention from the comforts of your homes.

Many big companies are already investing in telemedicine overseeing its radical benefits. There are many online consultation apps available in the market today. It explains the significance of telemedicine and virtual health care in the country.

Not only helping to reduce the number of cases,

but online consultation is also great to reduce the costs of both patients and doctors.

Let’s see it like this, when patients won’t have to visit doctors, they don’t have to incur travel expenses. Similarly, doctors won’t have to use the hospital or clinic infrastructure to treat the patients. So, it is a win-win situation for both medical consultants and patients.

After the consulting session, patients can also get prescriptions and complete diagnosis records. There are some from which you can buy medicine online they will delivered to your doorstep.

In a nutshell, telemedicine is what we require in this COVID-19 phase to overcome the difficulties and challenges.

Read Also – Top Advantages Of Online Doctor Appointment Booking App

How Can Telemedicine Strengthen Health Care Systems In Rural Regions?

It is one of the first questions people have in their minds when they hear about the widespread use of telemedicine.

Like our villages are still not developed, and there are challenges regarding healthcare infrastructure.

Even though a large mass of the population is living in rural areas,

Quality healthcare facilities are available in the urban regions only. However, telemedicine can play a significant role in bridging the gap between the infrastructure challenges in rural settings.

The limited availability of resources also leads to innovations. Teleconsultations powered by healthcare workers are the best example of it.

In this approach, healthcare workers will conduct an initial assessment and then connect with a medical consultant in real-time for better consultation on the issue.

In the rural regions where the issue of Internet persists.

This model could be implement to offer premium quality health services to people.

Are The Resources Rightly Placed In Terms of Deployment of Telemedicine? What Are The Hurdles Witnessed?

The deployment of telemedicine in the healthcare industry is still in the deployment phase, and there are several hurdles that need to be overcome.

The Indian medical sector has launched telemedicine guidelines that need to be following.

The COVID-19 has further strengthened the guidelines to ensure the ultimate care for communicable diseases and chronic health conditions. It is true that

Telemedicine is now establish in all settings, including public health emergencies like COVID-19 and natural disasters.

The Bottom Line

Indian medical sector has completely adopted telemedicine with a view to making doctor’s consultation more convenient than ever. It reduces the need for infrastructure and enhances the quality of care. Even rural regions have been able to avail the services with ease.