Ways to increase basic Vocabulary List

spelling bee

Not all adults master the skills of spelling words perfectly. In fact, over the years, many adults and mature people have developed the worst spelling habits. Due to the nature of communication on social media and mobile texting, this habit of spelling words incorrectly has become more cumbersome.

Shortcuts abound to save space in posts and threads, and people ignore capital letters and punctuation rules in English. It’s also possible that the person who dropped out of school simply lost learning spelling in the first place.

Spelling is only one aspect of productive language knowledge, but it tends to be fairly straightforward. Sometimes you don’t know the full meaning of a term, but if you misspell a word, everyone will notice.

Spelling does not reflect intelligence. The poor spelling of the English language can lead others to negatively judge adults. They may lose jobs and career advancement opportunities and often suffer from shame and low self-esteem. To make matters worse, poor spelling skills can prevent people from reaching their full potential.

The work they write seems too simplistic and does not reflect the true scope of their vocabulary. Spelling practice as an adult can be embarrassing, but it is not a skill for self-adjustment and often requires intervention.

If you can’t spell, you can also enrol in an adult spelling program that you can use on your home computer. Alternatively, it can help you learn to spell and gain new skills at the same time.

Specific learning difficulties in adults

Fear of exposure to poor reading and spelling habits can prevent many adults from improving their skills. However, adult spelling problems can be the result of undiagnosed learning disabilities, frustration with reading and writing in a classroom losing important early literacy skills, or dropping out of school. These people, regardless of their age, can greatly benefit from learning strategies of spelling bee that help them deal with specific learning difficulties, overcome literacy disabilities, and improve spelling.

Dyslexia: There are several types of dyslexia, but the most common cause is spelling problems due to a lack of speech recognition. Fortunately, there are strategies that can help adults with dyslexia learn to spell.

Dyspraxia: Unlike dyslexia, Dyspraxia is associated with disruptions in planning and fine motor skills. But when it comes to handwriting words that can be submitted, problems arise. Without enough practice, people may have poor spelling skills. That is why learning to write is a great solution for people with this disorder; trying to improve their skills.

Dysgraphia: Difficulties with handwriting can be a consequence of dyslexia. Dyslexia is a condition that makes handwriting difficult and sometimes painful. People who have avoided writing for most of their lives may have poor spelling skills.

ADD / ADHD: People with ADHD may have a hard time concentrating, and adults with ADHD may have a hard time sitting still. Both of these conditions make it difficult to concentrate when writing, especially when it comes to learning spelling rules. In such cases, tactile learning is the solution.


Study the Dolch language:  Also called sight words, it is one of the most used words in the English language and constitutes 50% of most texts. They include prepositions, verbs, adjectives, articles, adverbs, and their overlearning allows you to spend more time learning to spell more difficult and rare vocabulary.

More information on prefixes and suffixes: When a word begins with a letter or two and changes its meaning consistently, it is called a prefix. For example, it is meant to do something again, like revise, renew, repeat, etc. Suffixes added to the end of words also work. For example, use –so –es to group the name. The English language has many common suffixes and prefixes that you can learn. Knowing them will help you to know different parts of the word and improve your spelling.

Look for the pattern: The human brain is very good at finding patterns. You can learn English spelling rules indirectly by providing words examples that contain similar letter combinations. Try to distinguish words and underline them with the same or similar spelling on the entire page of the newspaper. Next, see if you can export a rule that describes what you see. Getting the rules this way makes them easy to remember, thanks to the extra cognitive energy you put into trying to understand them on your own. One can get best online resources for homeschooling for more help.

Use mnemonics: Words that are difficult to write can help create visual or auditory clues that create a more powerful memory. For example, Wednesday can be difficult to write because d is inaudible. To help you spell it correctly, you could fantasize about a girlfriend and think that she is supposed to get married on a Wednesday. For more detail login at spellquiz.com.

Spell out loud: Spelling words out loud can be easier for people with learning disabilities who have difficulty writing on paper. Make a list of the words you want to learn and practice your spelling while showering or on the way to work. Speaking and listening to themselves, they say that each letter creates an auditory memory that is especially useful for people who are not visual learners.