What Can You Do To Minimize The Risk Of Dementia?


Dementia is a condition of gradual cognitive loss over time. It is becoming more common over time, and there is no cure for this condition. Though there is no specific way to avoid the condition, researchers believe that a healthy lifestyle can surely reduce the risk of dementia.

There are many risk factors for this brain condition. However, researchers believe that many of the risk factors are under our own control and with a healthy lifestyle, they can be reduced to a great extent. A healthy lifestyle effectively helps to prevent other health issues such as cardiovascular problems and diabetes.

Risk Factors Of Dementia

Several risk factors indicate the likelihood of this brain condition. Some of the factors are manageable, and some are beyond one’s control. Managing the controllable factors allow to reduce the probability of occurrence. Both types of risk factors are as follows

  • The risk factor increases with age, and older people are at increased risk to develop dementia
  • Genetic history in combination with certain environmental factors increase the risk factor for dementia

You cannot control these factors; in addition to these, there are other risk factors common in routine life. Having one or more of these factors increases the likelihood of this condition.

  • Untreated state of anxiety or depression
  • Social isolation
  • Keep sitting for the most part of the day
  • Loss of hearing

One can deliberately attempt to reduce these risk factors. Reducing or eliminating these risk factors keeps the chance of disease occurrence to the minimum level.

 What You Can Do

Experts have this opinion that what is good for the heart is also good for the brain, thus a healthy lifestyle not only promotes brain health but it works well to promote heart health too. A healthy lifestyle can also reduce the risk factor of dementia to around a third. Let us quickly review how we can reduce the risk of it.

1. A Healthy Diet

A diet that is too high in saturated fat, salt and sugar can surely become the cause of cognitive decline over time. Similarly, a diet too low in fiber, fruits and healthy proteins is insufficient for a healthy mind and body. An insufficient and unhealthy diet increases the risk of heart problems, obesity, diabetes and most importantly, dementia.

Aim to add healthy foods to your routine. If your diet is lacking some major food groups such as fiber, nuts, fish, fruits, then deliberately look for ways to add it into the diet. Diet can play a significant role as it supplies all essential nutrients to the brain and body.

2. Alcohol

Habitual drinking might appear harmless, but it can seriously influence your health. Drinking alcohol excessively puts your health at stake as it increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia. 

Alcohol has damaging effects on the nervous system and has a great potential to trigger dementia. Try to limit alcohol intake, and if you think you are unable to manage your drinking habit, then you should go after professional support. Alcohol and drug abuse have been on the rise in Florida for the past two decades. 

Residents of Florida can find resources for professional care. For example, rehab centers in Tampa, a city in Florida, will provide you with the best facilities to quit alcohol. So, no matter which treatment center you choose, they all will provide you with the best possible treatment. 

3. Weight

Weight is a general health predictor. You can reduce the risk of major health problems simply by controlling your weight. An overweight and obese person is not only vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases, but he is also at a higher risk of dementia.

Keep a check on your weight. Make alterations in your diet and physical activity to make it work for you. For overweight and obese people, even a 5-10 percent of weight loss can greatly reduce the risk of dementia. A person feels more confident and happier with optimal body weight.

4. Physical Activity

Researchers believe that those who keep sitting for most of the day also have a higher risk factor of dementia as compared to active ones. This factor is completely in one’s own control. Instead of sitting for most of the time, try to move about and around.

Physical activity allows you to enjoy better health as it reduces major health risk factors such as heart problems, hypertension, blood sugar and many neurotransmitters. Exercise is the best way to promote physical activity. The older people can go after brisk walking, cycling or even swimming, and the younger ones can go after a more intensive workout.

5. Smoking

Smoking also deteriorates health and is highly injurious. In addition to physical health, smoking is also very harmful to brain health. If you are a habitual smoker, then you are certainly at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular issues and dementia.

Quit smoking, and it will reduce the risk factor of dementia. Try out something else which is less harmful. For instance, nicotine-free vapes might work for you. You may also seek professional help to get rid of smoking habits.

6. Mental Condition

Experts believe that untreated mental conditions such as anxiety and depression if remain untreated, have a great chance to trigger dementia. Thus confront your problems and seek out help in this regard. Anxiety and depression make it hard to stay socially mingle and interact with people.

As a result, it a person might become socially isolated. Isolation and social disconnection are themselves major risk factors that could lead to dementia. Those who are dealing with the same problem can seek out support from professional behavioral therapies and counseling in this regard.

Take Away

Dementia does not occur overnight; it is more gradual and progressive. There is no cure for this condition; thus, keeping the risk factors to a minimum is the only best way to prevent it. Some of the factors are associated with lifestyle, and thus managing a healthy and balanced lifestyle can work well in its prevention. So, live a happy, balanced and stress-free life.