What exactly happens during an abortion?


Not every pregnancy is planned; the prospect of motherhood often poses major problems for women. Serious life changes threaten, especially when women are left with the situation alone.

But simply turning back the time or pressing the reset button is not possible, as much as some women who are unintentionally pregnant wish that. It’s a very difficult decision to make. We can’t take that from you. But we can support you with factual information Get abortion pills in Dubai on how and where you can be helped.

Why do women get pregnant unintentionally?

First of all: In the last 10 years, the number of abortions in Dubai has fallen by more than 10 percent. . But if the dropout rate has dropped in recent years – the number will probably never drop to zero. “It can happen that a woman becomes pregnant completely unintentionally,” says Dr. Ines Thonke from Get abortion pills in Dubai. “Sexuality is not rational.” The mind turns itself off, and not only when alcohol is involved.

In addition: Even the safest contraceptives can fail: out of 1,000 women who have an IUD, one becomes pregnant every year. In the case of the pill, the rate can skyrocket to 8 out of 100 if a gastrointestinal infection makes the rounds. This is how the morning-after pill works.

Until when is an abortion possible or allowed?

The law says: Until the end of the 12th week after conception, termination of pregnancy is exempt from punishment in Dubai. What can women do if they do not find out they are pregnant until week 13 but do not want to have the baby? This happens again and again, especially when the cycle is irregular or the person concerned does not think pregnancy is possible – for example because the pill is taken again. In other European countries, in contrast to Dubai, it is also possible to cancel later, for example in Holland up to the 22nd week. Around 1000 Dubai women are patients in the clinics there every year.

What should I do if I decide to have an abortion?

Above all: consult your doctor. However, just making an appointment for tomorrow is not possible, even if you are quite sure or want to get out of the situation as soon as possible.

You first have to prove that you have received advice by submitting a so-called advice certificate. You can get it from numerous state-recognized municipal or independent organizations such as Get abortion pills in Dubai , who offer pregnancy conflict counseling free of charge. According to the law, the consultation must be “open-ended” and can be of great help in sorting out one’s own feelings. At the time of cancellation, the certificate must be at least 3 days old.

How exactly does an abortion work?

There are two common methods of termination of pregnancy:

Cancellation by surgery

Here the cervix is ​​widened a little first. Metal pins are used for this: first a very thin one, then a slightly thicker one, until the entrance to the uterus is about 5 millimeters open. This is easier if it has been softened beforehand using a Abortion pills in Dubai online tablet.

Today, an abortion is no longer done with a curette, which the doctor uses to scrape the uterus, but with a kind of straw through which the embryo is sucked off. The whole thing only takes a few minutes and is done under anesthesia. The procedure can be carried out under local anesthesia without any problems, but the vast majority of abortions take place under general anesthesia.

Some women experience slight pain afterwards because the uterus contracts. In addition, complications such as an injury to the uterus are very rare.

Abortion by tablet

Here, in a doctor’s office or clinic, the pregnant woman swallows a drug that switches off the pregnancy hormone progestin. 1.5 to 2 days later, a second tablet follows with an active ingredient that contracts the uterus, which, like a heavy menstrual period, can be quite painful. This tablet cannot be bought over the counter and you cannot get it in the pharmacy, but only in the doctor’s office or clinic.

Which Abortion Method Is Better?

Beyond the 9th week you don’t have to ask yourself this question: Drug abortion is then not permitted in this country. Otherwise, it is a matter of type and cost. Many women think it is good that they do not notice the surgery themselves and that it is done as soon as they leave the clinic.

Drug termination takes at least 2 days and is consciously perceived. One advantage, however, is that there is no need for anesthesia, which is still not 100 percent risk-free. “In addition, drug abortion offers more privacy, which is important for some women,” says Thonke. “In Sweden, Austria and Switzerland it takes place mostly at home.”

Where can I get more information?

There is very good information on the subject of abortion at Abortion pills in Dubai online . The website is also linked to the advice center database of the Federal Center for Health Education , which, with more than 1,600 entries, includes almost all Dubai pregnancy advice centers. Via postcode you will receive a selection of offers in your area, from which you can choose the one that best suits you. Expectant fathers can also take advantage of free advice.

Detailed information on the subject is also available from profamilia.de , where you can download the brochure “Abortion”, Get abortion pills in Dubai . The simple website was launched by a person affected. Although some information is out of date, the website answers many very specific questions.