8 Ways To Improve Performance of Windows PC

Improve Performance of Windows PC

Are you frustrated by the slow performance of your Windows Pc? Many people think that in order to  Improve the Performance of Windows PC, they must spend thousands on a licensed professional’s computer repair services. However, the reality is that there are some simple things any person can do themselves to help their computer run faster and more efficiently.

How to Improve Performance of Windows PC

This article explains how to perform these simple tasks. The steps can be performed in minutes a day and may not even require any special skills or knowledge.

1. Disk Defragmentation

Disk defragmenting your computer is a good way to Improve the Performance of Windows PC. The more files you have on your computer, the harder it is for the operating system to find the data it needs quickly. Defragmenting your hard drive will organize all your files and make your computer run faster. It is relatively easy to do and can be done by anyone with even minimal computer knowledge.

2. Clean the Registry

To Improve Performance of Windows PC, there are several things you can do. One of them is to clean the registry. This is not a difficult task because there is a built-in ‘registry cleaner’ built into the system. You can use this application to scan the registry for obsolete information and damaged files. If you do not have this application, you can use pc optimizer software. This tool is very easy to use and will scan your system for free.

3. Upgrade RAM 

The best option to improve your Windows performance is to upgrade your RAM. RAM upgrading is very easy. You will not have to be bothered with having to figure out how to perform this task.This can make a huge difference in speed and performance when opening and saving files. The ram that is used in computers today is much more powerful than what it was in years past. 

4. Remove Unnecessary Softwares

Another tip to Improve Performance of Windows PC is to delete unnecessary programs and files from your computer. All this software does is take up precious space on your hard drive. If you do not need the program it will take up valuable storage space. Just go to the control panel and find the ‘Uninstall Program’ option. This will help you find and remove all the unwanted software from your computer.

5. Install SSD (Solid State Drive)

The benefits of upgrading to an SSD can be great. Not only does this new technology provide extremely fast data input/output, but it also provides for incredibly high reliability. It is almost impossible to destroy a SSD, even with a computer crash. Because of this feature, many high-end laptops have been bought by consumers who cannot afford to replace their existing hard drives, but still want their laptops. It is clear to see why SSDs are becoming extremely popular in high-end laptops.

6. System Optimization

The next solution is to optimize your computer settings. Optimizing the Windows PC system will help the system perform better. The easiest way to do this is to go into ‘Computer’ and click on the section that says ‘System Properties.’ Under the tab that says ‘Control Panel Settings,’ you will see several different options. You can change the speed of your processor, the maximum amount of RAM that your computer has and you can even set the time and date on which your computer will start.

7. Clear Browsing Data, Cache & Cookies

Clear Your Browsing History & Cookies. As you browse the web and visit various web pages, a cookie is likely to be saved on your browser for a number of reasons. It is important to clear your browser & clear your cookies so that you do not accidentally remove them. If you already have a number of cookies saved on your browser, it is likely that you will need to clear your browsing data from your computer system to ensure that all the cookies are removed. Cookies and browsing data can slow down the performance of your PC, so it is better to clear them on a regular basis.

8. Scan for the Malwares & Viruses

The main reason behind the slow performance of the PC is malware and viruses. You can install antivirus programs to scan for viruses. The antivirus will scan the system and remove all the viruses. 


These simple tips for how to improve the performance of a Windows-based PC will help you increase the speed of your PC. If you have slow PC’s then these tips should help you fix them in no time at all. Even if you don’t have these problems now, hopefully, they will in the future. Windows PCs are not designed to get old, they are made to run quickly and reliably, if you want to keep yours running like new, you need to keep it running fast!