Let me start off by sharing a few personal specifics – an expression of my qualifications for writing this piece.
I’ve been working in the computer repair industry for the last 15 years, and in this time, I can confidently assert that I’ve pretty much seen it all!
Mapping My Journey in the Repair Field
From intricate motherboard micro-soldering fixes to the aesthetic coatings of a range of hardware terminals, I’ve executed the groundwork with my own two hands. These working obligations, which characterized the earlier part of my repair career, gradually gave way to more shop management-oriented concerns. This was the point where my role became that of a probing auditor – responsible for ensuring the quality of services delivery.
It was only after I had gained the requisite group administration experience that I was rendered financially stable enough to launch my own operation. A computer repair shop software bolstered business arrangement which drew on all my experiential learnings but attempted to dish a different kind of customer experience.
The Prescriptions that Work (Experientially Speaking)
Over the 5 years since I’ve run my own venture, I’m happy to report that my work has been credited with eliciting some much-needed field innovation – acclaim communicated by several notables in the know. Trends that have now become mainstream; imitated by repair businesses hailing from virtually all verticals.
These practices – or ‘best practices’, as I like to call them – are responsible for shoring up the bottom figure in my business to a degree that surpasses the providence attributed to coincidence. Meaning, in simple words, that their efficacy is predictable. And, in being so, they can be adapted for further, customized use in differing repair settings.
So, without any further ado…
- Holistic Audits (Courtesy ‘Micro-Appraisals’)
Thorough device audits comprise the first step towards conducting probing repairs. The kinds of fixes that don’t leave any room for further minute vetting. Rendering the salvaged device fully functional; in the sense of returning it – to the degree that is possible – to its original condition.
This is where micro-appraisals come into the picture.
These are effected with only a minimum of hardware implements – along with specialist computer repair shop software interfaces to carry out the appraisals. The skill of the experienced repair tech comes without question; a necessary input that provides the whole endeavor with a purpose – a foreseeable end.
Without these narrow audits, it becomes difficult for repair techs to make accurate surmises regarding their commissioned devices’ fixed status. Before and after pictures certainly help with this – especially when they’re snapped magnified (at the smallest level).
- Using the Right ‘Fix’ Reagents
These include such debris (organic) solvents as diluted ethanol and turpentine – which are useful for scraping away any board physical impurities. These kinds of sediments, which lie hidden within valve sockets and wire hinges, impede device workings and are immune to software troubleshooting. They can only be done away with through manual cover and circuit overhauls.
Here, the right solvents make for a cheap, easy means to scrounge off the dirt. Their potency can be made more stringent, of course, with more salt concentrates.
- Software Troubleshooting (for preliminary/final checks)
In most cases, you can’t go wrong with software.
Coded computer repair shop software interfaces that provide incisive, top-down, framework checks – even signaling towards any hardware defects.
Nowadays, the majority of repair businesses make ample use of these applications to make ends meet. Determining, definitively, whether devices are good for submission (can actually be salvaged) and eventual pick-up (when customers make the claim).
App checkups also provide the shared-responsibility safety net; it’s not only the (subjective) human repair tech making a point of recovery. The software is rendering the same guarantee.
- Customer Engagement (Repair Process) Updates
Another Modern Repairs Standard:
You can’t do without constant customer engagement at every step of the repair journey.
A best practice in the content marketing domain – one that needs to be emulated by all other customer engagement concerns.
Clients, especially during these times of the pandemic and a generalized uncertainty, require minute, day-to-day updates of their device repairs status. This expectation also makes good professional sense; in (the reciprocal) terms of repair ventures dishing service in line with the requirements of a new-age propriety.
Now, while many commercial repair outfits maintain constant customer engagement, there are still some who need to get with the program. The social pressure of a consistently enforced conformity, however, is the silent force that can beget this shift.
- The ‘Bundle’ Offer
Nowadays, many repair outfits provide attractive device bundle offers by way of a default orientation. These regular service outings come with a range of branding benefits; the least and most obvious of which is increased customer loyalty/retention post-sales.
Previously, these enticements were only intended as placating tools for deals or customer relationships gone awry. The ‘lollipops’, if you will, to mitigate any expected – and often justified – liabilities imposed on the brand.
Bundles, especially when they come with separate warranties for their individual parts/accessories, make for guaranteed customer ‘bondage’ links. Meaning that they used to actualize the prospects of more upsells and cross-sells; whenever the client should chance to come back.
Now, in my experience, even the best repair shop software, with all its service feature wares, can’t match the providential scope of a bundle package. Especially when you consider the degree(s) of happiness, issuing further customer engagement scope, yielded.
So there you have it.
My take on the top five trends currently underway (and expected to progress) in the computer repair domain.
Everyone’s practice and experience of the ground, commercial realities, of course, is different. So I wouldn’t like to paint the affair with a broad brush; become all prescriptivist with regard to my understanding.
At the moment, I’m also in the process of conducting some research on the various kinds of POS software currently available for transactional arrangements in the repair field. If you’re interested in this kind of stuff, then I’d strongly recommend that you subscribe to my profile.
Other than that, I’d be happy to factor in your insights into this assessment, so please be generous with the comments below!