What is of barcodes? What are its applications?


You go to buy machinery products and usually most of the products have small vertical lines and underneath is the number. And have you ever wondered what it does. Today we will answer this problem for you more clearly.

So what bar code is it used for?

Code is the unified standard code of each product globally according to different coding systems and divided by each country. Each country will have a separate commodity code for each standard. For example, if the EAN-13 code is under the management of the European Numbering System. When you read it, you will probably check on products or goods using EAN-13 code. Every product manufactured by companies that wants to be identified in the market must be registered with the regulator in order to obtain a code. Thus, the commodity code will not be duplicated in the global system. In addition to the commodity codes that need to be registered, each numbering system has a separate area for internal commodity management. 

What is a bar code? 

Barcodes are visual displays of commodity codes on the surface of the goods and can be read by specialized equipment. Barcodes have 2 types: 1D and 2D. Barcodes can be read by optical scanners or scanned from images with specialized software.

What is barcode scanning for?

Scanning product barcodes is the simplest way for users to identify genuine or counterfeit products. A quality product to be allowed on the market must have a bar code registered and certified by the competent authority. Product barcode also helps manufacturing enterprises and the state easily manage company products.

Barcode application

The use of buy barcodes will help us better distinguish and manage them. Minimize management time. Instead of having to enter the code manually. We can use barcode reader to read easy-to-read codes. That is why barcodes are used in many different fields:

– Application in goods: Used to distinguish and manage goods.

– Sales management: Export / import / inventory and charge customers.

– Application in customer management: Issue VIP preferential card to customers.

– Application in asset management: Managing assets by barcode helps us to control assets better.

– Application in the management of test / test / test samples: Use for laboratories, hospitals.

So how to read barcodes and use goods?

– Very simple to read the barcode you will use a barcode reader.

– To check where the goods come from, you can use the barcode software on your phone and check the barcode of the product, it will show you the company product country.

ConclusionAlthough there is no law that requires you to have a bar code, in order to sell to most retailers and distributors you must have a barcode number for inventory and record keeping purposes. With Amazon barcode printing on products, you simply scan the barcodes instead of depending on someone manually inventorying them. This not only saves time and money, but also greatly reduces the risk of human error.